Tuesday, December 28, 2010

iPad & iPhone APPS for Communication help

iPad & iPhone APPS for Communication help

Monday, December 27, 2010

This is just a test to see if I can post from my iPhone...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Inclusion is a Crazy IDEA?

People have a lot of different crazy ideas on what INCLUSION really is or what it should look like in a classroom or on a school campus. Inclusion is not a place, it's not sitting seperately away from other students, it's not a seperate classroom or going to visit a special teachers classroom and then going to the cafeteria to eat lunch in the same room as other students and then not sitting with your Gen. Ed classmates!

Inclusion is a community, it's a community that is accepting of differences and of everyone no matter what! Inclusion is a place where everyone is accepted and valued just as they are! Classrooms are made up of individuals, everyone is different and unique with different learning styles, hopes and dreams for their future! Inclusion is all together all the time! INCLUSION WORKS!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Consideration of Assistive Technology at IEP's?







Friday, September 10, 2010

Horses and the Handicapped Program 9/9/10

This is Mariah's 1st day back riding....the Summer break was too long to be away from riding! She was in such a great mood all day knowing she was going to be riding  STAR later. When we got there it was so good to see all her friends and her mommie's friends. Being back in class with her favorite girlfriends was the best! To see Sam, Caroline, Katie and Mariah all back together in the same class made ALL of us so HaPpY!! These girls have been riding together for years. Mariah has known Caroline & Katie back when they were little tiny new babies and Sam, Mariah met her at another riding stable when they both were real young, guess they have been riding together for maybe 6 years now.

In this video clip they had just gotten back from trail riding and were ending the class. They all looked great sitting high up on there own horses together again. This was taken using my iPhone! I am amazed at how easy it was to capture this quick snippet and post it to facebook so easily! I love my iPhone!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

BENSON goes to NOVA E ~ finally!!

(Below is an email I received from BENSON'S mom - just had to post here!)

Well I like to thank you Nancy for finally making it happen.... Benson is in Nova E Elem. like he was suppose to be last year because his name was picked out of the lottery. His 3 older sisters attend Nova too! He wasted a whole school year in a cluster program at another school in Broward! Oh sorry, not a whole school year, I forgot the 2 months that Broward County schools district left him behind without being in any school! I refused to let them force me to put my son in school I did not want him to go...his name was picked from the Nova E Lottery...that is where he was registered to go for Kindergarten...I went to the Kindergarten Round Up! Funny Nancy how they kept telling you and me how they had no record of him being registered there. How do they lose registrations of children after school starts?

I learned many things this past year:
1.) 90% of the people that say they know what is best for Benson, had never meet him.

2) there are beautiful laws that look good on paper, but make them work it is almost impossible.

3) definition of inclusion in broward county schools is a special need child inside a regular classroom as a guest and if possible far away from his peers.

4) discrimination from students toward special needs children starts with the way teachers introduce them to the peers.

5) if we could have more like "Nancy Harris" to advocate for our kids, cluster classrooms would be history, well maybe not for all but for those with Down syndrome anyway...

I don't really know how it will be at Nova E this year, I don't know how inclusion works in this school, what is the level of acceptance, but at least Benson is happy for now and that counts a lot for me and my family. I know we still have a long way to go, because while ignorance predominates the fight never ends for me to have good help for Benson to get an education in Broward Public schools. I am hopeful soon they will get it right and help me with my Benson because everyday is important for his education and his future success.

Thank you Nancy for not giving up on me or my son this past year!

Daniele ~ Benson's Mom

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

HOMEWORK POLICY ~ Broward Public Schools

HOMEWORK POLICY ~ Broward Public Schools
Hope this link (click above) is helpful!
It would be a good idea to print out the HOMEWORK POLICY and keep a copy handy whenever you have a parent teacher conference and need to make reference to your Child's homework. This policy says it all and I'm sure will be very useful for many!

Did you know it is suggested that the total time to do homework should be 10 minutes per the grade. So say a 5th grader should have a TOTAL of 50 minutes of homework and say a 9th grader should have a TOTAL of 90 minutes of homework assigned per day.

This homework policy was written by our school board members....let's be sure our Children benefit from it! Are teachers and staff aware of this policy and what it says? Tell another parent about this policy and share the link with them so they too can print it out and know what this policy states.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Where is BENSON? ~ You remember BENSON....

For those of you that have been following my blog for awhile...you may remember a little 6 year old boy named, BENSON. He has Down syndrome and was being totally discriminated against in the fact that our school district would not allow him to attend a regular general education Kindergarten classroom. Why not? Because our wonderful IEP team members that are hired by our Broward School District insisted on having certain district 'assigned' individuals DICTATE to the mom exactly how much time her son would be removed from general education classrooms, it was written in stone that he needed to be 100% ESE Special Education classroom...we call that a CLUSTER classroom.

This little guy has 3 older sisters that attend a NOVA school and another older sister that graduated from a NOVA school. BENSON'S mom of course wanted her son to attend the same NOVA school all her other Children go to, so she signed BENSON up to be on the NOVA LOTTERY! He was put on the 'sibling Nova lottery list' and guess what....HIS NAME WAS PICKED!!! BENSON'S name was picked from the lottery and mom was delighted! It was a HaPpY time for the mom, his sisters and others that knew how much it meant to this family that BENSON be able to attend the same school and ride the same bus as his 3 older sisters! It was cause for celebration for sure! To be picked from the NOVA LOTTERY SYSTEM was an accomplishment few get! She registered him at NOVA and then attended the KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP at the beginning of last year...just 2 days before she was told that the school did not have a 100% ESE ROOM for BENSON to be in, so mom was told he could not attend their school now...that was such a blow to everyone's plan for BENSON and his sisters!
Back at the beginning of the school year last year, I did several BLOG postings pertaining to BENSON and the stories that pertain to all the shenanigans that he and his mother had been put thru this last 2009-2010 school year at SNEAGLE RIDGE ELEMENTARY School. So much NONSENSE that no parent should ever have to put up with when dealing with the school we entrust our Child to!! That school absolutely needs to have some disability specific trainings and certainly needs to have the entire administration and its general education teachers taught POSITIVE INCLUSION TECHNIQUES AND STRATEGIES. The Gen. Ed. "nice" Kindergarten teacher BENSON was assigned, refused to even make simple EYE CONTACT with him on a regular basis, this was observed on several occassions. That teacher absolutely refused to INCLUDE BENSON to even the smallest degree...her attitude was carried over to her young students in that they all were 'on the look-out' for any little thing BENSON might do....those students followed her 'fine example' to DISCRIMINATE and not accept BENSON, just because he was different and had  Down syndrome. The opportunity and the lessons that teacher missed teaching all her students is lost...his 'regular Kindergarten classroom peers' missed out on a very valuable lesson called....ACCEPTANCE...acceptance for those that are a little different than you and me. BENSON WAS NOT INCLUDED IN GEN. ED KINDERGARTEN this last school year at Sneagle Ridge...because his Gen. Ed teacher and the staff and administrators mind-set is behind the times in that they just don't get it...they are not interested in getting it either!! How do I know this? Because I was by this mom's side the entire school year with trying to communicate to BENSON'S school and trying to create a well written IEP and trying to get the supports and services BENSON needed! This school very much BELIEVES in clustering students with disabilities into seperate classrooms and when they on occassion blend two Kindergarten classrooms together I saw with my own eyes the attitude not only from the administration, but more importantly from the other classroom students. They did not want to sit 'too close to those students' on the carpet during a blended class time inside the library for Media Special.

The students with disabilities are pretty much taught all together in their own Special Needs classroom, not mainstreamed or included. BENSON'S mom wanted her son to be given the opportunity to learn along side typically developing classmates so he could learn from them....so he could copy what they were doing. She knew that....yes he absolutely needed help and assistance especially to help him to follow classroom rules and to keep his hands to himself and not touch others. The assistant and the ESE teacher at this school very much believed in frequently giving fish crackers and/or Cheetos throughout his entire 'school day' as the way to get BENSON to 'learn'.....this was sickening to watch being done...YES BENSON liked the food treats, but it so wasn't written on his IEP whatsoever to use food reinforcements to get him to comply! Did anyone read his IEP? Where did that come from or is that a way some teachers were taught they had to do for certain individuals to motivate them to stay on task? I think that way is great for DOG TRAINING for sure!

Since BENSON had only been provided the most minimal of opportunities to be part of a General Education Class room, I saw with my own eyes that not much of any real Inclusion was practiced at this school. NEVER would I ever recommend this particular school to anyone ....especially for a child with a disability like Down syndrome! The Administration's mindset is out dated and discriminatory. Inclusion is not encouraged or understood at SNEAGLE RIDGE ELEMENTARY, and because of that I would absolutely request that this school be provided with QUALITY Disability Specific Training and also to have FIN-Florida Inclusion Network provide all the teachers and staff with POSITIVE INCLUSION STATEGIES Sessions! Oh and I absolutely would never recommend this particular school to anyone!!

This school is only one of many across our Country that have this same outdated way of thinking about our little kiddo's and their ABILITIES to learn to READ, WRITE & DO MATH! I am a firm believer that with the right teacher with an open mind and lots of room for flexibility to the way they have always 'taught' classes...our kiddo's require a lot of being flexible yet being firm with what your expectations are about each Child....the point is....TREAT OUR CHILDREN WITH RESPECT AND TEACH OUR CHILDREN TO READ AND DO MATH AND ALL THE OTHER WONDERFUL THINGS A CHILD ATTENDS SCHOOL FOR!

The time is now, our Children's future depends on everyone DOING THEIR PART in providing a FAPE and BELIEVING in them that they absolutely are capable and able to learn just as anyone else....yes it might be at a slower pass or a different way. Bottom line is...everyone has the right to be taught along side their neighborhood friends, in their neighborhood school. Let's start doing the right thing for the future of our Children!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our 3 year olds...what are the PROFESSIONALS thinking??

I can tell it's a week before school starts! I received several phone calls just yesterday! ALL the calls were about the same exact thing...parents being TOLD (without it yet ever being discussed in any IEP meeting!!!) ...that their little one with Down syndrome HAS just one PLACEMENT OPTION and can ONLY attend a Disability only Developmental Preschool instead of the neighborhood elementary school that is nearest to the parents home!

What is wrong with people??! I just don't get those few professionals that speak up the most at these initial eligibility and PLACEMENT meetings! The oh so prejudgemental professionals read their wonderfully word-smithed initial evaluation reports and the parents are hearing these professional 'reports' for the very first time with lots of emotions and concern. Most of the time it's these new parents to the whole ESE 'ballgame'...that really don't have a clue what is happening! Hopefully they have taken another family member, friend or better yet an experienced advocate with them.

The professional PLACEMENT TEAMS seem to think that it is only their professional opinions that matter the most when making the PLACEMENT decisions about a 3 year old youngsters FUTURE EDUCATIONAL NEEDS!! What about what the PARENTS THINK IS BEST FOR THEIR OWN CHILD???  How can anyone really know what classroom set up is really going to be BEST, especially for a little guy just turning 3 years old? THERE IS NO DATA TO SUPPORT that a little 3 year old  absolutely needs a more restrictive classroom with fewer student to teacher ratio. WHAT IS THE NATIONAL TREND AND WHAT DOES THE NATIONAL RESEARCH SAY? WHAT DO DISABILITY SPECIFIC NATIONAL EXPERTS RECOMMEND AS BEST PRACTICES?

Our PROFESSIONAL PLACEMENT TEAMS in Broward want parents to believe that it is only the PROFESSIONALS that KNOW WHAT IS BEST for their Child!!  Please....give me a break!!  From what I am being told by several parents, now that have recently taken their little ones to be evaluated... that those professionals have only met, seen and worked with their Child for maybe 10 - 15 minutes total!!!  Of course if asked they will tell everyone they took a WHOLE HALF HOUR with the Child and now they KNOW BEST for that young child!  NOT!!!  (WOW a whole 10 to sometimes maybe
30  minutes...maybe.....to do an individualized evaluation for Speech, Occupational and Physical Therapy.)

The professionals not ever thinking to consider contacting and COLLABORATING with the private family therapist these little ones have been seeing for years! The private Speech, Occupational or Physical Therapist that has been working with the little one for over 3 years and actually KNOWS the Child really well!! Yes professional Part B therapist that do evaluations on youngsters with developmental delays are professionals, but when they start only listening to themselves and not ever taking into consideration what the parents concerns and what they as the Child parents feel will be BEST. It is the PARENTS THAT ARE THE REAL EXPERTS here at this point when it comes to where they would like to have their child educated and which school and why. I'm a firm believer that it's the parents that know THEIR CHILD THE BEST.

When there are IEP TEAMS of 8 plus professionals sitting around a conference table and pretty much all of the school system side of  INITIAL PLACEMENT TEAMS have a predetermined mind set on where and how a certain child with a particular or certain kind of disability should go to school...and not one of those people speak up and SUGGEST that maybe it would be ok and fine to have this little one  attend the neighborhood school that is just a few blocks away from their parents home that actually has the 3-5 year old "disability" program (PreK ESE Programs) designed just for little kiddo's that need a little extra help in their development.

I find it very sad that NOT ONE of those professionals thought the PreK ESE classroom MIGHT be a good placement for many of our 3 year old students with DOWN SYNDROME?? First of all when they don't even provide and discuss out in the open all the classroom and program options available...that seems then like it is a systematic decision that all students with a certain type of disability, like Down syndrome for example are only to be suggested to attend certain classrooms or certain types of placement decisions are already PREDETERMINED before ever meeting with the family! THIS IS DISCRIMINATION AT ITS FINEST and yes it is happening still today....but today it's not so much about race as it is about DISABILITIES today, and it is also about certain kinds of disabilities....Plain and simple it's about DISCRIMINATION AND IT NEEDS TO STOP!!

When IEP teams pre-determine placement before the actual meeting this is when their professional opinions and their PERSONAL FEELINGS to what they think is BEST for that child or how they usually do it...their feelings and their opinions don't mean a hill-o-beans! When there isn't and hasn't been professional collaboration going with the Child's private therapists and/or the
parents and there never was....they lose their creditability as the professionals they should be respected for! Personally they loose the repect they deserve as professionals...women usually...because they don't BELIEVE IN OUR CHILDREN WITH DOWN SYNDROME!! It is obvious by the well rehearsed same ol comments they provide to parent after parent after parent.

Why is it that placement after placement of our young Children with Down syndrome between the ages of 3 to 5 years old are more likely than not....to be  recommended placement in one of several Broward County School PROVIDER DEVELOPMENTAL PRESCHOOLS? These schools are not usually near to the Childs home and most times requires a long bus ride to attend them as well. Why are these little ones being PUSHED TO ONLY BE ABLE TO ATTEND ARC, ANN STORK, UCP or Broward Children's Center? Why are these Children not being offered the PreK ESE classrooms that are at our neighborhood schools? Someone please give me the data that supports the placement at a developmental preschool only as the best placement option always for so many Children with Down syndrome especially!


What I heard today during the initial evaluation and placement IEP "TEAM" MEETING for a particular cutie cute and oh so yummy sweet and delicious little boy....was that this team of Broward Public Schools Initial Placement Professionals INSISTED (almost dictated!) that he attend the very developmental preschool the parents had just pulled him out from just 2 months previous! THEY SAW THINGS THEY DID NOT LIKE AND DID NOT FEEL THIS PLACE WAS DOING WHAT THEY REALLY SHOULD BE DOING FOR THEIR SON, SO THEY PULLED HIM FROM THAT SCHOOL NEVER TO HAVE HIM GO THERE EVER AGAIN! So....tell me....why would parents want their little boy to go back to a place they knew to NOT BE THE BEST PLACEMENT OPTION for him?

I am sadden that we have so much PREJUDGEMENT AND PRE-DETERMINED PLACEMENT DECISIONS without parents having any say so in what they think might be best for their Child...so much of this is happening in our Broward school district! Our youngest and most vulnerable of students are being discriminated against and it needs to stop and quick! A STATE COMPLAINT MIGHT BE THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE OUR DISTRICT WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE WITH THIS ON GOING SITUATION THAT HAPPENS TO CHILD AFTER CHILD AFTER CHILD WITH NOT JUST DOWN SYNDROME BUT OTHER DEVELOPMENTAL DELAYS!

If you or someone you know has had a similar situation happen to you at your Child's Initial 3 year old placement TRANSITION IEP, please write me an email telling me your story. I want to help make a positive change and I need your help! 

Email me your story: AngelKids4me@gmail.com

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Inclusion for Children with Down syndrome

Inclusion for Children with Down Syndrome

Studies show children with Down Syndrome benefit from inclusion in regular  general education classrooms. However, one of the risks of inclusion is that children will be placed in a general education classroom without proper inclusion strategies to learn in that environment. Here are tips for successful inclusion. Good insight and resource!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Should my Child take the FCAT?

FCAT FCAT FCAT and what does it mean for our kiddo's? Sunshine State Standards being taught is so much more important with an opportunity to actually learn them, hopefully with the support our student needs, is more important than our kiddo's being able to pass this darn FCAT! If a student fails the FCAT what interventions are in place for your Child if they didn't pass it?  Always ask yourself...what would a 100% general education student receive if they didn't do well on the FCAT? Your son or daughter should receive those same interventions and support as well! Don't settle for the Special Diploma option till your Child has had at least an opportunity to 'fail the FCAT' and receive intensive interventions to be able to pass the next FCAT and the next FCAT and the next FCAT!  Intensive interventions is part of what students receive if they score low on FCAT.

Little Secret:

See the several articles posted on Tampabay.com blog gradebook
blog Gradebook and you decide if this FCAT is a test we all can feel confident in anymore.

See also this article:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Essence of a New Day!

This is the beginning of a new day.
You have been given this day
to use as you will.
You can waste it or use it for good.
What you do today is important
because you are exchanging a day
of your life for it.
When tomorrow comes,
this day will be gone forever.
In its place is something,
that you have left behind...
Let it be something good...

Author Unknown

This little saying is
something I have used
as my inspiration
over the years,
now let me pass this on
to others to live by.

Have an Awesome Day!
Nancy Linley-Harris

Sunday, July 4, 2010

All you ever wanted to know about IEP's

(Click to go directly to Kids Together, Inc. link)

Here is really great link about IEP's ~ what they are all about! What to expect at your Child's IEP meeting and what not to accept either! This website is so chock full of great stuff! Share this link with your friends!

This is a website called: Kids Together, Inc. nonprofit 501(c)3 Information & Resources for Children & Adults with Disabilities. http://www.kidstogether.org/

Panel approves removing 'retardation' from laws | Washington Examiner

Panel approves removing 'retardation' from laws Washington Examiner
(click above to go directly to the article)


All started by a MOM (just a mom) to a little girl with Down syndrome who is 9 years old now, her name is Rosa....this is being called "Rosa's Law". I love HaPpY endings!!


Friday, July 2, 2010

Unnecessary segregation of individuals

Forced Institutionalization of People With Disabilities Is Illegal - DiversityInc.com
"In the Olmstead case, the court recognized that the unnecessary segregation of individuals with disabilities stigmatizes those individuals as unworthy of participation in community life," stated Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Thomas E. Perez. "By supporting Ms. Haddad in this case, we seek to ensure that individuals with disabilities can receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate, where they can participate in their communities, interact with individuals who do not have disabilities and make their own day-to-day choices."

Monday, June 28, 2010

Parent Training & IEP Workshop ~ Basic Areas of an IEP Document.

Please join me for a Parent Training & IEP Workshop  ~ To go over the basic areas of an IEP document.

Wed. evening  JUNE 30th, 2010

7PM - 9PM at Kids S.P.O.T. in the Oakwood Plaza. Hollywood, FL

*North of Sheridan St. across the street from the Oakwood Plaza Movies http://www.kidsspotrehab.com/

There is a $10 Training fee

RSVP 5PM 6/29/10 to: nancy.harris@dsadvocate.com

FREE BOOK to those that arrive ON TIME!

Bring your IEP's with you! Meet others and learn new advocacy skills!

Carpool & bring a friend!

*Please Pass This Info To Others That Would Be Interested -Thanks!


Will go over the importance of all the different areas of the IEP Document and why each area is important.

FREE BOOK for those that arrive on time!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Why can't my 14 year old read?

How can a 14 1/2 year old not be taught how to learn PRE-PRIMER DOLCH words? How can a Child that scores a 5 on her MATRIX in the communication domain section NOT be considered for Assistive Technology for Communication needs over the years? So many 'things' that could have been provided or taught but everyone has their reasons why this or that basic skill wasn't taught or why a device was never tried out to see if it could or might help a student communicate and be understood. I will always have a hard time understanding why some of our schools and why some of our professionals that are making lots of educational decisions for our Children continue to have a low expectation for learning basic life skills. Why is there still in our society people that keep thinking that our Children don't need to learn the same educational skills as everyone else? There is so much today in the way of technology it's absolutely a shame if schools aren't pushing and preparing our Children for their future, which is once they leave school life they have some basic reading, writing, and math skills.

The school today told the mom she was NOT ALLOW to have a copy of the MATRIX that was just updated after the IEP today. When she asked them to write a statement saying she wasn't allowed to have a copy of the MATRIX that she needed them to provide her something "in writing", she was then provided a copy of the MATRIX. During the actual IEP meeting, I asked what was the MATRIX number and was quickly told that wasn't to be discussed at IEP meetings.

Ok....so if the student has a major disability with talking and being understood, and the MATRIX is a 254, I don't understand why this student is only ALLOW to be provided with just a 1/2 hour of Language services and just a 1/2 hour of Speech services. As far as I could tell by listening to everyone speaking at this IEP this student should have been provided  n Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) device ahttp://www.abilityhub.com/aac/aac-devices.htm (here is a webpage that shows some ideas for these types of communication devices!) At the meeting it was told to mom that she had been using a devices but when I asked mom if she had ever seen what they were talking about, she was not aware of any such device was being used. Again, it amazes me what some of these IEP team members come up with and to make the parent think something is being provided when in reality nothing was being done.

Getting the supports and services is paramount to our Children's success in school and post school outcomes to be successful in today's real world past high school. Being persistant and asking lots of questions and providing your PARENT INPUT throughout the entire IEP document is part of the IEP Process. This is YOUR CHILD they are all sitting around a table talking about YOUR SON & DAUGHTER...this is not someone that deserves a little less or a lot less...everyone is there to talk about what YOUR CHILD NEEDS...so let's STOP PLAYING ALL THESE IEP GAMES AND START EDUCATING OUR CHILDREN!

Parents...listen up! If you don't take some time to read up, attend trainings, disability specific conferences & conventions, meeting and getting to know other parents, being part of a disability specific support group....your CHILD will be missing out! Parents being told by other parents all sorts of stories and real life situations only helps each of us to understand how I can better help my Child be all he or she can truly be! We need to make sure the schools we choose for our Children has a great principal that is willing to work with you as a parent and the school has good teachers that are open to TEACHING CHILDREN ~ ALL CHILDREN and that means YOUR CHILD...no matter if you Child has a disability or no disability......NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND was signed into law for a reason...and that reason is YOUR CHILD!!

Read parents....research and go to trainings...make the time...take the time to educate yourself on how to be your Childs BEST ADVOCATE! Your Child is depending on you!

Here is a link to the Florida Sunshine State Standards....is your Child being taught these? If not....why not?


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Compass Learning ODYSSEY

Compass Learning ODYSSEY


This program is used in Broward County Schools - just put in your STUDENT ID# as the USERNAME & PASSCODE
(student # found on report card)

Great program with documentation to track student progress!

Friday, June 11, 2010

AUDIO ~ Florence County School District Four v. Carter

AUDIO of: Florence County School District Four v. Carter
CLICK ON THIS LINK and listen to the newest SUPREME COURT RULING!! Amazing stuff to listen to and you can also read it as well!


This has to do with reinbursement to the parent if they enrolled their child in a private school when the public school did not provide FAPE.

This website is interesting...check it out!

Have a great day!

Monday, June 7, 2010




Presented by:

The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.


The Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, Inc.

Learn how to be a strong advocate for children with disabilities in the public school system at four free workshops scheduled for this August.

A lawyer and an advocate from the Advocacy Center will team up to teach you how to be an equal participant in the IEP process. Training will focus on sections of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 and will include:

Eligibility and Evaluation

Universal Education (Inclusion)

IEP and Advocacy Tips

School Discipline

Transition from High School to Post-school activities (work, school)

Problem Solving (With a Question and Answer Session)

To register go to http://www.fddc.org/registration
or call 1-800-580-7801

All workshops are from 9 am – 4 pm and are FREE!

August 3, 2010 – Fort Lauderdale, Hyatt Pier 66

2301 SE 17 Street Causeway

August 5, 2010 – Tampa, Tampa Marriott Airport

5507 W Spruce Street

August 7, 2010 – Jacksonville, Hyatt Regency Riverfront

225 East Coast Line Drive

August 9, 2010 – Fort Walton Beach, Ramada Plaza Beach Resort,

1500 Miracle Strip Parkway SE

Let us know when you register if you need a sign language interpreter or Spanish translator.

Seats at the workshops are limited to 200. All registrations received after the first 200 will be put on a waiting list and will be contacted if space becomes available.

The list below shows how many are currently registered for each workshop. We will update it frequently so that you can see when 200 are registered

August 3, 2010 – Ft. Lauderdale, Hyatt Pier 66, 2301 SE 17 Street Causeway - 47

August 5, 2010 – Tampa, Tampa Marriott Airport, 5507 W Spruce Street - 40

August 7, 2010 – Jacksonville, Hyatt Regency Riverfront, 225 E. Coast Line Dr. - 71

August 9, 2010 – Ft. Walton Beach, Ramada Plaza Beach Resort, 1500 Miracle Strip Pkwy. SE - 18

Sunday, June 6, 2010

IDEA says about Assistive Technology & English Language Learners

The laws and rules relating to the use of assistive technology for meeting the educational needs of students with disabilities, parental consent REVOKE (new!), and services for English language learners (ELLs) with disabilities.

Assistive technology, Section 300.24(a)(2)(v) of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (the “yellow book”), the IEP Team must “consider whether the child needs assistive technology devices and services.” Additional related sections of Title 34 CFR are 300.105(a), 300.105(b), 300.113, 300.5, and 300.6. Additionally, Florida State Board of Education Rule 6A-6.03028(3)(g)(10), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) (the “red book”), states that in IEP development, review, and revision the IEP Team shall consider “whether the student requires assistive technology devices and services. On a case-by-case basis, the use of school-purchased assistive technology devices in a student’s home or in other settings is required if the IEP Team determines that the student needs access to those devices in order to receive a free appropriate public education…”

For ELLs with disabilities, 6A-6.03028(3)(g)(10), F.A.C., states that the IEP Team shall consider “in the case of a student with limited English proficiency, the language needs of the student as those needs relate to the student’s IEP.”

In regards to parental consent, section 300.300 of Title 34 CFR describes the procedures school districts must follow in obtaining parental consent for evaluations. Note that in some cases parental consent may not be required (e.g. if the district has made “reasonable efforts” to obtain consent or if the parent has “failed to respond,” or for certain tests or evaluations that are administered to all students). Note also that a district may use dispute resolution procedures to obtain parental consent in some cases. See also state regulation Rule 6A-6.0331.

Below are direct links to the federal and state regulations:

Title 34 CFR (“yellow book”)  ~ IDEA

Florida Rules (“red book”)

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Well...finally we tried to create a workable IEP document for this little guy. The first meeting we were "allowed to" meet for 2 hours, the 2nd time we were "allowed to" meet for 2 hours...and now the other day we were "allowed to" meet for ONE HOUR! We are so grateful for being "allowed to" meet on 3 different occassions to create and write up a quality IEP for BENSON that so was NOT PROVIDED what mom was told he would be provided at the school mom ended up using the McKay funds for him to attend. This school is in a section of Broward County that is very far for the mom to drive to, she refused to have her son attend a KNOWN CLUSTER SCHOOL that was in her neighborhood in the Pompano area and was not given much choice on WHERE HER SON COULD ATTEND SCHOOL because of how his wonderful IEP "team" wrote up his IEP document at the DEVELOPMENTAL PRESCHOOL. Mom input, concerns and wishes for her son was not included in her sons IEP from the Developmental Preschool. That IEP was done just a few days before school was let out and with no one 'working over the summer' to help create a well written IEP for her Kindergarten school year. This is why BENSON was NOT in school the first 2 months of this school year....the district IEP people would NOT BUDGE on their stand that BENSON was to only be provided 100% EXCLUSION & SEGRAGATION from his non-disabled peers for his Kindergarten school year! How does this sort of thing happen to our children? Why did it happen to BENSON? What was the real reason why BENSON was to be 100% in an ESE CLASSROOM and not provided with supports and services that would have helped him be successful in a gen ed kindergarten classsroom?

On Oct. 7th, 2009 Mom requested to have her son provided a FBA-Functional Behavioral Assessment and AT-Assistive Technology Assessment....this was in written form and provided to this 'nice school'......the person in charge...claims she never knew or received that written request. Oops....oh well....again...they didn't know...and my goodness wasn't it obvious that BENSON needed  that SUPPORT & SERVICE? Wasn't there any concern about his behavior & communication?? BENSON WAS NOT EVEN ASSESSED for AT or for a FBA this entire school year! ....was this because mom didn't put in for that support or service? NO!! This was because this school didn't care to do what was right! It was a written request from mom and provided and should have been included in his school files. It was talked about on several occassions and still nothing was done to move forward to have those assessments completed. Why?

When BENSON was finally enrolled in what was to be a good school in a good neighborhood far from mom's address....mom was told by the person in charge of running IEP meetings at this nice school that, "oh yes we are an INCLUSION SCHOOL!"......he would be included with a gen ed kindergarten here and there and for this and for that.....MOM DID NOT BELIEVE THIS and MOM'S GUT FEELINGS WERE RIGHT! This 'good school' did NOT provide any quality inclusion for BENSON. The Gen Ed K teacher did NOT even make EYE CONTACT WITH BENSON at a couple of observations that were held during the year. His HALF HOUR OF INCLUSION TIME IN THE GEN ED KINDERGARTEN was BENSON VISITING! He was NOT included as you and I would be included...he was WATCHED for any little movement he "might make".....those students in that "inclusion kindergarten' classroom were not BENSON'S friends...a student even said to the mom one time, "Is BENSON ALLOWED TO BE IN HERE?" ....wow.....why would a young kindergarten student even say such a thing? Was BENSON "allowed to be there".......this innocent comment from one of his 'kindergarten inclusion classmates' paints the real picture of the whole MINDSET of this particular kindergarten teacher, the classroom, school administrators & the entire school population!

BENSON WAS NOT INCLUDED like mom was told by staff on the day she enrolled him back on October 8th, 2009. That was BENSON'S first day of school......because the IEP "team" forced BENSON and his mother to have on his Individual Educational Plan without PARENT INPUT on what her concerns and wishes were for her son. Mom knows her son better than anyone that will ever attend his IEP's.

BENSON was LEFT BEHIND this school year. Mom is trying to make sure her son is not left behind again for next year! She wants him to be 'held back' and to have an opportunity to attend KINDERGARTEN like he should have this year! He was only allowed to visit kindergarten for a HALF HOUR....that is NOT being INCLUDED! That is visiting a kindergarten classroom! *Did he even have his own desk in there?

I have permission from BENSON'S mom to write all I want about her son on this BLOG so it can help others. I plan on making sure BENSON'S STORY is told to many...so what has happened to BENSON does not happen to others.

I will be updating and adding to the BENSON STORY...so those that have a personal interest will be updated on how things are working out for him and his mom in trying to create a well written IEP document. I want to be able to provide something for everyone to read and get updates so everyone has something to sleep on & ponder about with the BENSON situation, as I am so very sure there are many many Children and families out there that can relate to BENSON'S IEP process and situation.

Tell me if you can relate to the BENSON STORY

Tell me if you can relate to the BENSON STORY

Tell me if you care if BENSON was INCLUDED in Kindergarten or not.

State DOE:
Tell me if you are aware of more situations where certain disabilities are being forced into CLUSTER CLASSROOMS against parents wishes & desires.

BENSON'S IEP was left in a DRAFT FORMAT till the new 2010-2011 school year begins in August!! This was  after just 5 hours over  3 different times to meet and work on his IEP. (2 for 2 hours and 1 for 1 hour over a 2 month time period.) CAN DRAFT IEP's EVEN BE OPEN OVER THE SUMMER BREAK?? How does that really work out?

BENSON deserves to attend KINDERGARTEN like any other small boy!

POST UPDATE: Anonoymous comments are not allowed to this blog. If you want to leave a comment you do have to reveal your identity...thats all.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

School lunch outside on the picnic table

Mom surprised me the other day at school and had lunch with me outside on the picnic tables at school. It was such a pretty day with a nice breeze! With all the budget cuts in our school district my mom thought it would be a good idea for me to wear my ART CLUB T-shirt to remind everyone that ART is important to me and my friends! Please keep Art, Music and PE in my school because my friends and I love music, painting, drawing, being creative and I absolutely love going to PE because Ms. Carter is one of my favorite teachers at my school. With all the budget cuts happening at my school and in my school district I am going to miss out on learning THE FUN STUFF!

Friday, May 14, 2010


The word inclusion from the dictionary means: to belong or part of. At school I think most of us would want to 'belong and be part of'.....but today, yup still today there is thinking out there that some people shouldn't belong or be part of, it's called exclusion, discrimination and segregation.

I have been part of many IEP teams in several Florida counties, my home is Broward County and I have to say I am witnessing what seems like a real push to segragate our children with Down syndrome from the general education classrooms and making parents feel like their Child has to go only  into special education classrooms or what is commonly known as the cluster classrooms instead of allowing them to be educated side-by-side their neighborhood friends and be taught in the general education classrooms with the support and services they would need to be successful. What I am seeing on a more regular basis is an increase in discrimination towards certain individuals, in particular our little 3 years olds with Down syndrome that are transitioning into what is called the Part B services (Dept of Education) with providing all the different educational options for our children with Down syndrome specifically. Busing children with disabilities to miles away from their neighborhood schools is still common practice today!

Today those with Down syndrome are being EXCLUDED from attending their neighborhood schools and in not being allowed to be educated in regular classrooms more and more! They are being pushed into or pulled out to leave and go to special education classrooms that are filled only with students that have a disability! Full Inclusion is not the first option on the minds of the educational professionals that are evaluating our Children and the certainly not the principals running our schools! There are some principals and schools that are doing a fantastic job of including students with disabilities, but the majority of our society still does not allow 'those kids' to go to all classes with everyone else!

I am sadden to know that there is still such discrimination happening in our county and in our world. There are many schools that don't even let those with disabilities use the front door of our Public schools....they use the back or a side entrance on another side of the school building!! Many time where the garbage dumpsters are located and the big garbage trucks come to pick up the school garbage! Yes the same door that was created for taking out the garbage!





Thursday, May 13, 2010

Professionals and Experts

There sure can be a good many PROFESSIONALS sitting around the tables of IEP meetings, but parents are the EXPERTS not the professionals when discussing issues and concerns about their Child. Where do the professional therapist get their knowledge? They attend several years of college, they read alot and study for a good many exams to pass a State exam. By choosing to become a
therapist to work with certain types of people, like Speech, Physical or Occupational Therapist, they devote their lives to provide a service to help others...a noble profession to choose for sure! Therapist could help babies, or young school age children or adults that have maybe had a stroke and need help relearning basic life skills to be independent again. No matter what the age of the 'clientele' these professional therapist choose to work with exclusively, they want to help that person gain delayed or lost skills and see them make progress no matter what.

Today I was part of an IEP team meeting discussing how to help this little girl learn how to write basic shapes, letters, numbers and to even be able to draw simple stick people etc....she is 6 years old and is unable to write independently on her own unless she is tracing prewritten words and letters or by an adult assisting her with hand over hand to trace. As a professional therapist do you think at 6 years old this little girl should be able to at least write her first name? I know there are many factors and of course it depends on the specific disability and absolutely the expectations that we as professionals and experts place on individuals, especially certain groups of individuals with particular kinds of disabilities.

When I am advocating to get the support this little girl needed, I was provided the little girls writing journal that all little Kindergartners do all year long...to learn to write letters, draw pictures and to create little sentences or short stories. Do you know that this little girl has only done her best to create what to any mom and dad would say are her masterpieces....even though they may look like 'baby drawings' to most that see it. I was able to flip thru a year years worth of hard work this little girl created in her journal. It is and was very obvious to everyone that saw her journal at that IEP table, that she needs extensive help to learn how to write, draw and create words. But do you know that the PROFESSIONAL only recommended the absolute minimal amount of time to help her gain or learn writing skills! It was her professional opinion that she didn't need a minute more. I find this type of professional advice to not be what they know in their heart to be why they originally spent all their time in college to learn such a noble career. How can therapist make their professional opinions
pertaining to how much weekly help a client will need to gain and
learn new skills if they don't spend enough time with them to really help them? I am appauled at how unprofessional some of our professionals have become when they make professional recommendations for the amount of therapy service times for our children that are in severe need of help to gain and learn skills.

I think because they work for the school district they are only allowed to make certain recommendations and no more...less yes...but no more than a certain DISTRICT LEVEL ADMINISTRATOR INSTRUCTED amount per student in our Broward County School system. Is this right? Absolutely not! Will it change? Can it change? How can we help make a change to the way Broward Schools provides certain therapies for students? By letting others know what
has happened to you when trying to get the help your Child needs to be successful with writing, talking, walking, fine and gross motor skills. By making sure you have resonable goals written into your IEP document to substanciate the need for the support.

Write or call your State Department of Education and tell them your story! Make sure you have data to show what your Child is or isn't doing if you are trying to get a particular support or service. Here is the main phone number to our Floida Department of Education, ESE department - (850) 245-0477 and here is the main FDOE phone number also - (850) 245-0505 FEEL FREE TO CALL YOUR STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IF YOU FEEL YOUR CHILD'S RIGHTS ARE BEING DENIED! This is just one way to have your voice heard and to help make more positive changes in our school districts for our Children! Let your voice be heard!

Being your Child's Advocate is a life long journey that we as parents
and families are the EXPERTS, not the professionals when discussing issues and concerns about your Child. Parents.....YOU ARE THE EXPERTS on what your Child needs and it is up to you to help the PROFESSIONALS have HIGHER STANDARDS and to expect LOTS of progress in a years worth, not just a little isolated goal here and there but to have BIG GOALS AND TO HAVE BIG DREAMS FOR WHAT YOUR CHIlD CAN AND WILL BE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH! An annual IEP is written to be for a years time...make it worth it!


So many IEP's being held the last few weeks of school...I find it absolutely amazing that so many IEP meetings get scheduled at 'crunch time' just before the school year ends. I also it find it amazing how many of them are for our Children with Down syndrome....and my goodness what if parents are trying to be active participants in constructing their Child's IEP by making sure their PARENT INPUT is written into the 4 different domains! There must be a new push to try to make sure our parents words and concerns or issues are only allowed to be inserted in just the beginning section of the IEP document, the PARENT INPUT section. Where is it written to say that parents are NOT ALLOWED to provide anymore written words or parent input anywhere else on that wonderful IEP document?

This seems to be the new PUSH for our district here in Broward County that I have come across on a number of occassions...and that is to NOT ALLOW PARENTS the right to be active participants in creating the IEP document, throughout the entire document and that includes anywhere on the IEP document where needed!

So many of the pre-written up IEP DRAFTS have only the SCHOOL staff's side of the PLP=Present Level of Preformance of that child. I would think that the parents percpective would be a vital piece of information that the school would want to know about!...again...it seems our district is trying to do something that certainly does NOT MAKE SENSE...won't be the first time!

What is with that  DRAFT too....being all set up and ready to go before our IEP meetings have ever been held? The supports and services all done...PLACEMENT DECISSIONS being done by...'who' ahead of the meeting?...hmmmm...this seems to be our school principals and our districts way of controlling our IEP meetings and placement decisions and certainly where and what type of supports our Children need. Is inclusion encouraged for our little kiddo's with Down syndrome....ABSOLUTLY NOT!!! Seems Broward County Schools would rather encourage parents to file for a Due Process instead of allowing parents to be active and involved decision makers for their Child's educational needs! I think this is about not wanting to have our Children in General education classrooms anymore! There seems to be a bigger push to exclude and segregate our Children from the General school population with their non-ESE classmates!

Parents, if you haven't attended a parent training near you, it's time to start educating yourselves on how to become a confident advocate for the things you believe in! If I hear that 'there is no funding' one more time..........is it ALL about funding or is about taking away what can be funded because there IS FUNDING for our Children?

The "I" seems to have been taken out of the Educational Plan more and more!!


This is a must read for every parent that has a Child receiving ESE supports and services....you have a say in all this too!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Helping others in need...from Haiti (HOST FAMILY)

Our family was BLESSED & HONORED just for doing a small 'good deed' for this family! We absolutely would do this again...being a HOST FAMILY was truly an honor!

To see this little guys progress and to learn about others that need our prayers see their website. Also to know more about becoming a HOST FAMILY visit the blog of The Medical Advocacy Team http://www.medicaladvocacyteam.com/

Friday, April 23, 2010

NEW BOOK TO OWN!!! Wrightslaw: All About IEPs

Wrightslaw: All About IEPs by Peter W. D. Wright & Pamela Darr Wright; Sandra Webb O'Connor

If you purchase just one book this year to help you in understanding the whole IEP process....any book by Peter and Pamela Wright gets my highest recommendation! This is their newest released IEP book! Order one today, order a couple as gifts for your friends!

Wrightslaw: Peter and Pam Wright are the most respected Special Ed Advocates in the country! If you haven't attended one of their weekend BOOTCAMPS or heard them speak at a conference...you are really missing simply the best training that all parents dealing with Special Education MUST ATTEND at least one. I have attended 4 already and can honestly say, I learned all I know from Pete Wright!!

Thank you Pete and Pam for the tremondous help you continually provide to parents and families across the country!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Parent Involvement Survey ~ Fill it out!

Parent/Family Involvement

The Central Area Advisory Council is working to strengthen partnerships between schools and families in order to increase student performance in school. In order to do so, we must collect as much data as possible regarding the involvement of parents of diverse backgrounds and the schools their children attend.

The purpose of this survey is to get your opinion on how well the schools have met your family's and children's needs since parent/family involvement directly impacts your student's achievement. There is no right or wrong answer; we are only interested in your opinions. The survey is anonymous and you may answer any or all questions. Even if you partially complete the survey, please click the “done” button at the end after it thanks you for completing this survey in order to have your responses tabulated.

Please share this link with as many parents as possible in your schools and encourage them to complete this parent/family involvement survey. The findings of this survey will be analyzed and used to enhance parent/family involvement in our Broward County public schools.

Thank you,
Laurie Rich Levinson
Central Area Advisory Chair

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

SP&P Guide ~ State & Federal IDEA Law *LINKS*

**ESE Policies and Procedures (SP&P) Listed by DISTRICT in a handy-dandy-drop-down-list!! What a concept!!! This is my personal baby for the past 4-5 years to get our State Dept. of Ed to do....to create a DROP DOWN LIST OF ALL the districts SP&P Guides! Whoo whooo...advocacy DOES PAY OFF!! Be sure to print one out and put it into a 3-ring binder...this is an invaluable tool!! Enjoy!

ESE Policies and Proceedures

Section 1003.57(1)(d), Florida Statutes (F.S.), requires that district school boards submit to the Department of Education (DOE) proposed procedures for the provision of special instruction and services for exceptional students once every three years. Approval of this document by DOE is required by Rule 6A-6.03411, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), as a prerequisite for district’s use of weighted cost factors under the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP). This document also serves as the basis for the identification, evaluation, eligibility determination, and placement of students to receive exceptional education services, and is a component of the district’s application for funds available under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).


Florida ESE documents!



FEDERAL IDEA LAW - it's the Federal law!!!



I LOVE THIS STUFF! .....learn to like it yourself! 'o)

Want to know how your school district did with ON-SITE monitoring & compliance?

Want to know how your school district did with ON-SITE monitoring?
Monitoring Reports - Listed by School District

Here is another wonderful booklet provided by our Florida Department of Education that explains policy and proceedures on monitoring our schools. Compliance Manual (PDF, 1MB)
ESE Compliance Self-Assessment: Processes and Procedures Manual 2009-2010 http://www.fldoe.org/ese/pdf/m-compli.pdf

Torin on "The Doctors" show....perfect DS message!!

This video of 2 year old Torin has a wonderful message! I love what his school teacher asked his classmates to do at the end of the year!

Monday, April 12, 2010

SP&P Guides for ALL Districts in Florida

SP&P Guides for all districts in Florida (click here)http://www.fldoe.org/ese/ppd.asp
ESE Policies and Procedures (SP&P)

Section 1003.57(1)(d), Florida Statutes (F.S.), requires that district school boards submit to the Department of Education (DOE) proposed procedures for the provision of special instruction and services for exceptional students once every three years. Approval of this document by DOE is required by Rule 6A-6.03411, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), as a prerequisite for district’s use of weighted cost factors under the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP). This document also serves as the basis for the identification, evaluation, eligibility determination, and placement of students to receive exceptional education services, and is a component of the district’s application for funds available under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
*This 'drop-down list' is my personal little advocacy project for the past almost 5 years!! I have been advocating to get this particular 'drop-down list' in place for  y e a r s....and so glad to see it is finally here for everyone to be able to access so e a s i l y! It looks like its been here all along...nope...seemed our State Department of Education needed a 'persistently pushy parent advocate' to keep telling them and keep telling them...that this is something that parents need to be able to get their hands on EASILY! It seemed that for the most part if I directed a parent that was seeking help or advice I would recommend to them that they needed to contact their local ESE Department and request a copy of their districts SP and P Guide, only to have someone on the phone that would say they didn't know what one was or who to ask to get one or better yet...some in our local ESE Department people that answered the phones would ask my parents, "Why do you need one?" WHY DO WE NEED AN SP&P???  BECAUSE WE DO!!!  It's a public document, yet it seems to be one of the hardest 'public documents' for parents of special needs children to get our hands on a copy! Do you believe this? It's true...becoming an advocate for your Child is WORK!

The SP&P Guide is your guide to 'the rules of the game' that are in place to help you know as a parent and also as a teacher to know exactly what the State ESE and Federal Special Education Laws are for your State and your particular school district.
The Federal Law is IDEA...the State ESE Rules used to be put into what is commonly referred to as the 'RED BOOK'....but now with everyone saying something about the 'budget cuts'....now the Florida RED BOOK is no longer being published, so now you can get it online. I will post the link to our State RED BOOK as well. Then there is the local SP&P Guides and that includes the State and Federal Rules as well as any local 'extra' thing each district agrees upon that needs to be done in order for a student to be identified or to receive ESE Supports and Services.

Make sure you put your SP&P Guide link on your DESKTOP or in your FAVORITES so you have easy access to it!

Everyone.....ENJOY the NEW FDOE SP&P "drop-down' button that allows you to be able pin point your school disticts SP&P Guide! YOUR ADVOCACY EFFORTS DO PAY OFF AND HELPS SO MANY OTHER FAMILIES!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Call our Governor's office and tell him to VETO SB6!!

Florida Governor Charlie Crist

Office of Governor Charlie Crist
State of Florida
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

Citizen Services Hotline:
(850) 488-4441
Executive Office of the Governor Switchboard: (850) 488-7146
Office hours are 8AM-5PM EST

Thursday, April 8, 2010



Sunday, April 4, 2010

...end of the school year already??

I can't believe it!! The end of this year school year is almost here! How did it get to be the first day back from Spring Break already? Did you have your ESY IEP or interim IEP to make sure everything is going well for your child before this school comes to a close? Do you need to follow up on some things? Do you need to do some classroom observations or view your child's school files before this school year is over with? Haven't ever done anything like that before? Maybe it's time to do something new or for the first time this school year before the school year ends. Yes it can feel uncomfortable to do things we don't do everyday, but if it's to help you understand your Child's school day, classes or the entire educational environment and all the options available to your Child to help him or her to be successful, then it's worth it!

As a parent raising a Child that requires a constant more vigilent monitoring of their educational set up, it's important as a parent to keep an eye on several things that have to do with making sure you have made the right decisions pertaining to special education supports and services for your Child. Are you clear in knowing how things are really going at school? Do you need to look at records or do an observation during a particular time of the school day? Anything you may have a concern about...now is the time to start setting up those types of appointments...before the school year comes to a close.

The IEP to decide if your son or daughter will be attending or taking ESY (Extended School Year) should have been done before April 1st. Do you completely understand exactly what ESY is and what it's all about? It doesn't always have to be a 'brick n mortar' school, it can be as simple as a home packet or a computer program. It's all part of the INDIVIDUALIZED Education document.

Plan ahead and use the time that is left of this school year wisely. Set up your appointments to observe, or view records or have that interim IEP you have been putting off. Your Child needs you...to speak up on their behalf. Learn all you can about your Child's school, about their programs and teachers and how things are going and how things can be better for next school year. Start thinking about next year NOW! If things didn't turn out as you thought they would this school year, now is the time to start thinking about how things need to be for next year.

Homework: Read your PROCEEDURAL SAFEGUARDS - know what this important document says!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Virtual Learning Connections

Ever considered doing VIRTUAL SCHOOLING? Here is a GREAT RESOURCE BLOG from the National Connections Academy website.
Virtual school can be provided FULL TIME for Elementary students or with PRIVATE PAYING take just a couple of classes.
Click on the words below to go directly to Virtual Learning Connections BLOG....enjoy!
Virtual Learning Connections

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kelle Hampton Touches World With Story of Down Syndrome

Beautiful story...beautiful photography....beautiful children....perfect new baby...with Down syndrome! Take a peek and enjoy this beautiful blog by Kelle Hampton as she invites the world to see, know and feel the feelings and emotions as she learns of the news that her baby has Down syndrome. Click on the words below to go directly to Kelle's blog. Subscribe to her blog and ENJOY!!

Blogger Kelle Hampton Touches World With Story of Down Syndrome - ParentDish

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

321 Bike 4 DS New LOGO

Posted by Picasa
321 Bike 4 DS New LOGO
by Mark Harris

Finally have our NEW LOGO for our Annual Membership Drive and Fundraiser 321 Bike 4 DS Event being held on 3.21.10 WORLD DOWN SYNDROME AWARENESS DAY.
*3 of the 21st Chromosome is Down syndrome!

321 BIKE 4 DS
DEBUT FUNDRAISER EVENT this year will be held at:
Heritage Park across from DUCK POND on Peters Rd. & Fig Tree Lane Plantation, Florida
$1.50 per person for Park entrance.
Annual Membership drive ~fees are:
Family membership- $20 per year
Single membership- $10 per year.
Pizza Soda Chips & Special CAKE- $5 fundraiser donation
Decorated Bike Contest + Food- $5 fundraiser donation

This is our FIRST ANNUAL PODS Angels ~ A Support Group for Down syndrome 321 Bike 4 DS Annual Membership Drive and Fundraiser Event.

Our mission is to raise awareness on World Down Syndrome Day about Down syndrome and partner with community supports and resources like Bike Safety Awareness, Parent Support groups, Disability & Advocacy Training Resources, Inclusion Awareness and its benefits at home, school and community by participating in different community programs and clubs like the 4H, Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts of America, Project Stable and many other community programs.

Mark your calendars and plan to attend! Bring the family and invite some friends. Come out and be supportive of your friends and neighbors who are raising children with Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities.


Bring to the park for our BIKE DECORATION Party all your fancy bike decoration items as this will be one of things families will be doing together. Bring your own roll of scotch tape, pom-poms, streamers, decorative ribbons, pack of playing cards and close pins, just about anything you can think of to decorate your 'wheels' for our FUNDRAISER DECORATED BIKE CONTEST!

*If you have surplus art supplies that could be used as BIKE DECORATIONS & ITEMS TO SHARE ~ ANY DONATED BIKE DECORATION ITEMS will be greatly appreciated!

Vendors this year so far will be:
BUDDY BIKE - Tandem demonstrations and bike rides
Antique Fire Truck - will be providing rides
TRIKE SHOPPE, LLC - Trike and information on Recumbent Tandem Custom Bikes
Plantation Police Department - Bike Safety Awareness
(free give-away items)
Know someone that would like to participate that promotes fitness and bicycling? Tell them to contact us!

RSVP via email if you are making plans to attend at:

See you on Sunday March 21st, 2010
Heritage Park across from Duck Pond in Plantation
on the corner of Peters Rd. & Fig Tree Lane

Volunteer opportunities available
Any Donations of ICE, Food & Drink items accepted.

Thank you & See you on 3.21.10!

Nancy Harris
Executive Director & Founder
Mary Pringle
PODS Angels ~ A Support Group for Down syndrome
(954) 612-2997
SWFL PODS Angels Parent Group is a 501(c)(3)Non Profit

Katie: Laptops and Webcams and SMART Boards – Oh My!

From CEC Newsletter:

February 26, 2010
Katie: Laptops and Webcams and SMART Boards – Oh My!
I remember being in grade school and getting that coveted computer time. Twenty minutes to sit in front of a big, bulky, black-and-white screened machine that was noisy and slow. We would play Oregon Trail, using the keyboard to move our digitized covered wagon (or at least that’s what it was supposed to look like) across the screen. I was enthralled by this technology and loved when I earned the time to use it.
My, how times have changed! Young children are now surrounded by technology, and they know how to use it. Gaming systems, MP3 Players, CD players, computers—and how many kids do you see walking around with cell phones?! Meanwhile, I fondly remember my own cassette tape player and thought I was so cool in eighth grade with my pager.

My preschoolers are able to manage this technology with ease, even upon their first introduction to it. This was evident last week when we brought in a digital camera and laptop with a webcam for the kiddos to use (I know, what were we thinking?). The children did remarkably well—right away they picked up on how to aim the camera while looking at the screen and push the button to snap a shot of a friend. (I wouldn’t say they will be having a gallery showing anytime soon, but some people might see free expression in the heads chopped off of every picture.)

To continue reading visit the CEC Blog - "Katie: Laptops and Webcams and SMART Boards – Oh My!" » http://cecblog.typepad.com/cec/2010/02/katie-laptops-and-webcams-and-smart-boards-oh-my.html

"Reality 101" blog makes an excellent course supplement
Teaching an introductory special-education course? Consider sharing CEC's "Reality 101" blog with your students. As newly minted special-education teachers, CEC's bloggers detail what it's like to be new to the field as they explore topics such as IEPs, lesson plans, parent relationships and more. Follow their stories and offer comments at Reality 101 for New Teachers.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

....shhhhh it's FCAT TESTING!

Not a mouse was stirring not even a squeek was heard in the halls of our schools.....shhhhhhh it's FCAT testing time!

No homework night for everyone! Make sure everyone gets plenty of rest and eats a good breakfast says the phone link message across FCAT land...

I have an 8th grader and a 4th grader, both don't 'test well' as the past will tell. They can only do what they can do ~ the rest is all about where the dice lie in the end. They will be relieved to know it will be over and done with till this time again next year. Take a deep breath and breath in and R E L A X and do the best you can!

Here's to all the FCAT Floridians...GOD BLESS every last one of you and your teachers that have taught you well. Let's pray for our school children and their teachers, administrators and grounds keepers and let's not forget the wonderful lunch ladies that are there everyday with warm and hot food for our kiddo's! Eveyone is a part of my child's success!

Thank you!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Ever requested to view your child's school records?

I highly recommend parents take the time each school year to make an appointment to go into the school and view your child's entire school records and complete file. This is not something that feels comfortable to do the first or 2nd time, but once you have done this a few times it gets easier to do after that.

Feeling confident in requesting to view records is an important step in learning to be a better advocate for your son or daughter. Knowing that you have a right to request and view your child's records is empowing to know you can do this important advocacy skill. Parents need to feel comfortable in being able to do this, it takes time to feel confortable doing something we never thought we needed to do.

What will you be looking for when you do set up an appointment to view records? You may find a number of things; tests and quizzes you may not have gotten copies of. Test or assessments you weren't even aware were done and the results. Sample class work that shows how well or how not so well your child is or is not progressing in school. Records of when things were done or completed. IEP documents, Psychological reports, Assistive Technolgy, Physical and Occupational Therapy Tech Assist papers and things pertaining to supports and services. All copies of report cards and parent teacher notes...there will be so many pieces of paper you won't believe how much!

There also is a sheet of paper that documents who and why someone was viewing your Child's school records. If this looks like it hasn't been used correctly or at all, don't be afraid to ask someone about it. Anytime someone views those files, they are suppose to 'sign in'.

You can request for copies of anything in your Child's file, if its just a few copies of things the schools are usually pretty good about not charging for just a few copies....but if you are requesting copies of a good number of the papers...the school does have a right to charge a minimum fee for coping. Be prepared to be charged for copies if you are requesting alot of pages from your Child's school file.

How much time is needed to view records? All depends on how big the file is, how much time is being scheduled to assist the parent during this time and depends on what you are looking for, but I don't believe there is any time limit or cap on being able to view records.

When was the last time you took a moment to view your Child's complete school file and educational records? It makes good sense to do this once a year or every two years. It makes better sense that you do this when you are having particular issues or concerns pertaining to our Child's education.

Leave a comment to this post and let me know of your experiences when you have done a records request and wanted to view records. Was it a positive experience? Were you charged for copies, if so how much. Were you rushed when viewing records? Looking forward to hearing from some of you.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is with only 1 HOUR IEP meetings these days???

What is with only 1 HOUR IEP meetings these days??? Are these people kidding??!?! Guess it's a new 'district wide move'(Broward County Florida) Geezzzz!!!.....will have to work on this one! Even on the best days this is too short!! What can you honestly get done in an hour?? Yes it's true! Across the board many many parents are being told 1 and 2 HOUR TIME appointments for IEP meetings!!

In one hour we can say hello, go around the table and get each others names..read a little and WRAP IT UP & LEAVE we will see you next week...or next month!!...It's really getting crazy all this ESE Stuff !!! Unbelievable stuff!!

It's about creating a quality LEGAL IEP document for our Children! One hour...paleezzz! If anyone knows that's about enough time to get set up at the table with all our stuff, for those that have been sitting there for shhhhh...... the 'pre-meeting' to get some of them to 'scooch over or MOVE' a little so parents can be able to even sit up at the IEP TABLE and to have some table space ourselves, to say hello around the table, laugh a little with everyone after we first get there. The one hour can be taken up with 'greetings and setting the tone' of the meeting!

PARENTS have a right to have it take as long as it takes to finish a quality document. Absolutely teachers are being taken from their classrooms to attend IEP meetings, there are plenty of quality Substitute teachers out there that can teach for the day. Parents do not get paid for attending these meetings and they don't do them everyday like everyone else sitting at the table. Parents are intimidated most of the time and SCARED and not always sure with what the whole IEP process actually is.

To have just a 1 or 2 hour IEP meeting is NOT right..period! My average IEP meeting is 4 hours and at times longer to finish up the most important portion of the entire IEP...supports and services and let's not forget placement discussion and options! The part that almost ALL meetings love to RUSH us on!! I am done being silent about how it really is for parents! The IEP process is about CHILDREN receiving an education!

Parents let me hear from you! Is this happening for you and are you being RUSHED at the most important part of the IEP process for services, supports and placement?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Collaboration & Communication between Parents & Teachers

Collaboration & Communication with those that work with and teach my daughter is a major plus for her education if there is honest open communication on a regular basis.

To be able to have face-to-face conversations is even better but when that isn't possible because of being a bus rider, then phone calls (yeah right...not happening) and emails are the next best thing to everyone being able to communicate on a regular basis.

I find it odd that some teachers will have no problem being real and communicating with me where other teachers are so not going to allow any type of just simple conversations on a regular basis, no matter by email or picking up the phone and having a quick conversation. Seems to be this unspoken rule or fear of working with parents that want to be involved in their Child's education by daily, weekly, monthly collaboration & communication home. It places such a strain & a feel of tension on both the teachers and parents when being friendly is all it really takes to be able work together as a team for the success of their student and my Child.

Why is it this way? Why are some teachers more willing to provide open, friendly, honest, free-flowing, easy going conversations on a regular basis. We hear the buzz words of PARENT INVOLVEMENT, but what does that really mean to a teacher today? What does it mean to parents?

I know I am not the only parent that has a Child with Special Learning Needs attending our Public School System that feels this way. I hear and work with many parents that tell me this on a daily basis. Parents only want to know what is happening in their Child's classroom, our Children can't always communicate what they really did during school. It is imperative that parents and teachers talk or email on a regular basis, especially if the Child has a disability that impairs their Speech and Language abilities.

Working together with parents that want to help and be involved should be embraced not feared or ignored. Parents after all are the Child's life time teacher and know the Child best! We always hear people say, "Parents you are your Child's first teachers"...if people really believe that, than why are many teachers not wanting to work with the parents more? Especially the parents that want to help the teachers teach our Children.

There needs to be a new attitude going on with our teachers towards parents that just want to be helpful. I'm sure many teachers reading this would say the same thing about their being a new attitude with the parents that 'don't really care' or are not involved in their Child's education. We all know there are probably way more parents out there that are not actively involved in their Children's education as they should be, but what about the parents that are? Teachers, let your guard down and open up to the parents that are concerned for their Child's education.

We talk of parent involvement, it needs to start with teachers being willing and taking action to being more receptive to the parents help by having regular 'chats'. Parents are not out to tell teachers how to do their jobs as some teachers may believe, that is a misconception. Parents have known their Child the longest and know them best and absolutely what makes them tick.

Where do you fit in with all of this? Are you a parent or a teacher? How do see yourself in the way you communicate with your teacher or with the parents? Do you need to maybe be a little more honest with how you work together or does it all not really matter to you? Parents, do you need to take a more active roll in helping your Child's education, do you put it all on the teachers to 'teach' your Child? Teachers, are you open to the suggestions of what parents may have and bring to the table? Do you not really care what parents suggest or want? Are you providing a regular way to have communication with your students parents, especially those students with extra learning challenges?

Do the right thing and start now being more open to suggestions with regular communication and working together as a team for students. Collaborating on things that will help ALL students be more successful in school and with their academic progress.

"The only thing that is constant is change - Let it start with me"

Feb. 20th, 2010