"...the dysfunction that exists in the Exceptional Student Education Department, and the legal department that supports them. While the district has an anti-bully policy regarding students, the ESE and legal department has free rein to bully the families of ESE students at will. The department uses the district's well-oiled and taxpayer-funded inhouse legal firm to support the denial of mandated services, trample civil rights and take the path of least resistance in what, for some students, is little better than babysitting."
"The School Board refuses to see this failure and supports the status quo as the path of least resistance. They may address problems individually, but refuse to act systemically citing "school-based management" as an excuse for their inability to take action."
"The ESE Department continues their habit of quoting non-existent policy or factual inaccuracies in the hope that repetition will make them correct, all the while forgetting that they exist only to serve the students."
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The legal department takes advantage of GOOD PARENTS trying to make sure their child is being EDUCATED. Then the school doesn't talk to you, because your Child's IEP Document is now in a "STAY-PUT." Teachers give minimal collaboration in the first place, but certainly ONCE A PARENT FILES for a DUE PROCESS or FILES A COMPLAINT.....any collaboration that was barely there in the first place stops!
Broward schools is only interested in taking our Children's ESE MATRIX FUNDS! EVERY PARENT NEEDS TO KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY THEIR CHILD "BRINGS INTO THE DISTRICT"....so they know how much our Children are being taken advantage of not only by NOT EDUCATING OUR CHILDREN, but by STEALING THE FUNDS THAT ARE MEANT TO EDUCATE OUR CHILDREN!
Go on VIRTUAL COUNSELOR and be sure to know what your Child's MATRIX NUMBER IS, that number correlates to a DOLLAR AMOUNT....a good amount chunk of change $$dollar$$ amount!
Parents should know and find out what the MATIX FUND dollar $$ amount is WORTH for your Child! Those MATRIX FUNDS, the District USES and then DENIES ESE SERVICES & SUPPORT to our Children that need it.
It is Disgusting to me the amount of LIES so many PROFESSIONALS will do, just to keep their JOBS! It's not about education anymore, it's absolutely about STEALING THE MATRIX FUNDING OUR ESE STUDENTS BRING INTO A DISTRICT!
The ESE Department does NOT CARE ABOUT THE ESE STUDENTS EDUCATION and absolutely does not care about the ESE parents 'voice!' The ESE Department is glad, in fact ENCOURAGE PARENTS TO FILE, they "dare you to file!!"...and then when parents "FILE", then their "partners" aka the LEGAL DEPARTMENT takes over the ESE Parent BULLYING!!
The ESE Department and the Legal Department in Broward Schools need a complete transformation of employees! They all cover each others backs, they all want to keep their jobs....on the backs of many many deserving students needing Exceptional Student Education SERVICES & SUPORTS!
My recommendation to ESE PARENTS ~ FILE FILE FILE help make it be known that your child is not getting ESE Services & Supports that you as a parent know your child needs and should be getting at the Public School your child attends.
Just Do It!
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I need assistant my son is ESE has a spectrum of Austism I have tried to get him the necessary assistance since he was 2 have knocked on so many doors and only end up back to square one. he is now 12 years old has not been correctly diagnosed I am not so familiar with how to help my son but it has gotten to the point were my son has been abused and neglected by the system I am a taxpayer since the age of 14 years old I know the school receive so much money for my son yet I have noticed that they put him in a class with children with severe behavior problems when he has never shown this behavior until recently because he has been pushed around and belittled. I am desperate I need advise HELP. I JUST WANT CHILDREN LIKE MY SON AS WELL AS MY SON TO RECIEVE THE APPROPRIATE KNOWLEDGE SO THEY CAN SUCCEED I WANT TO LEARN WHAT I CAN DO FOR MY SON.
Hello, I have twins with Cerebral Palsy at Northeast High School. There are in 11th grade. This year I have had such a hard and horrible time. Almost everyday I am calling the school or my husband has gone personally. And nothing I mean nothing has been done. One of my twins is in the ese class, he is wheelchair bond, visually impaired and has cerebral palsy. His diaper is being change only twice a day, he comes home full of urine on his clothes and through his wheelchair. And to top it off yesterday he came home with his seat belt from his wheelchair so loose. Literally if the bus would of been in a accident my son would of flown out of chair. I have had it, I need direction in what to do or who to talk to. Please help.
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