Well...finally we tried to create a workable IEP document for this little guy. The first meeting we were "allowed to" meet for 2 hours, the 2nd time we were "allowed to" meet for 2 hours...and now the other day we were "allowed to" meet for ONE HOUR! We are so grateful for being "allowed to" meet on 3 different occassions to create and write up a quality IEP for BENSON that so was NOT PROVIDED what mom was told he would be provided at the school mom ended up using the McKay funds for him to attend. This school is in a section of Broward County that is very far for the mom to drive to, she refused to have her son attend a KNOWN CLUSTER SCHOOL that was in her neighborhood in the Pompano area and was not given much choice on WHERE HER SON COULD ATTEND SCHOOL because of how his wonderful IEP "team" wrote up his IEP document at the DEVELOPMENTAL PRESCHOOL. Mom input, concerns and wishes for her son was not included in her sons IEP from the Developmental Preschool. That IEP was done just a few days before school was let out and with no one 'working over the summer' to help create a well written IEP for her Kindergarten school year. This is why BENSON was NOT in school the first 2 months of this school year....the district IEP people would NOT BUDGE on their stand that BENSON was to only be provided 100% EXCLUSION & SEGRAGATION from his non-disabled peers for his Kindergarten school year! How does this sort of thing happen to our children? Why did it happen to BENSON? What was the real reason why BENSON was to be 100% in an ESE CLASSROOM and not provided with supports and services that would have helped him be successful in a gen ed kindergarten classsroom?
On Oct. 7th, 2009 Mom requested to have her son provided a FBA-Functional Behavioral Assessment and AT-Assistive Technology Assessment....this was in written form and provided to this 'nice school'......the person in charge...claims she never knew or received that written request. Oops....oh well....again...they didn't know...and my goodness wasn't it obvious that BENSON needed that SUPPORT & SERVICE? Wasn't there any concern about his behavior & communication?? BENSON WAS NOT EVEN ASSESSED for AT or for a FBA this entire school year! ....was this because mom didn't put in for that support or service? NO!! This was because this school didn't care to do what was right! It was a written request from mom and provided and should have been included in his school files. It was talked about on several occassions and still nothing was done to move forward to have those assessments completed. Why?
When BENSON was finally enrolled in what was to be a good school in a good neighborhood far from mom's address....mom was told by the person in charge of running IEP meetings at this nice school that, "oh yes we are an INCLUSION SCHOOL!"......he would be included with a gen ed kindergarten here and there and for this and for that.....MOM DID NOT BELIEVE THIS and MOM'S GUT FEELINGS WERE RIGHT! This 'good school' did NOT provide any quality inclusion for BENSON. The Gen Ed K teacher did NOT even make EYE CONTACT WITH BENSON at a couple of observations that were held during the year. His HALF HOUR OF INCLUSION TIME IN THE GEN ED KINDERGARTEN was BENSON VISITING! He was NOT included as you and I would be included...he was WATCHED for any little movement he "might make".....those students in that "inclusion kindergarten' classroom were not BENSON'S friends...a student even said to the mom one time, "Is BENSON ALLOWED TO BE IN HERE?" ....wow.....why would a young kindergarten student even say such a thing? Was BENSON "allowed to be there".......this innocent comment from one of his 'kindergarten inclusion classmates' paints the real picture of the whole MINDSET of this particular kindergarten teacher, the classroom, school administrators & the entire school population!
BENSON WAS NOT INCLUDED like mom was told by staff on the day she enrolled him back on October 8th, 2009. That was BENSON'S first day of school......because the IEP "team" forced BENSON and his mother to have on his Individual Educational Plan without PARENT INPUT on what her concerns and wishes were for her son. Mom knows her son better than anyone that will ever attend his IEP's.
BENSON was LEFT BEHIND this school year. Mom is trying to make sure her son is not left behind again for next year! She wants him to be 'held back' and to have an opportunity to attend KINDERGARTEN like he should have this year! He was only allowed to visit kindergarten for a HALF HOUR....that is NOT being INCLUDED! That is visiting a kindergarten classroom! *Did he even have his own desk in there?
I have permission from BENSON'S mom to write all I want about her son on this BLOG so it can help others. I plan on making sure BENSON'S STORY is told to many...so what has happened to BENSON does not happen to others.
I will be updating and adding to the BENSON STORY...so those that have a personal interest will be updated on how things are working out for him and his mom in trying to create a well written IEP document. I want to be able to provide something for everyone to read and get updates so everyone has something to sleep on & ponder about with the BENSON situation, as I am so very sure there are many many Children and families out there that can relate to BENSON'S IEP process and situation.
Tell me if you can relate to the BENSON STORY
Tell me if you can relate to the BENSON STORY
Tell me if you care if BENSON was INCLUDED in Kindergarten or not.
State DOE:
Tell me if you are aware of more situations where certain disabilities are being forced into CLUSTER CLASSROOMS against parents wishes & desires.
BENSON'S IEP was left in a DRAFT FORMAT till the new 2010-2011 school year begins in August!! This was after just 5 hours over 3 different times to meet and work on his IEP. (2 for 2 hours and 1 for 1 hour over a 2 month time period.) CAN DRAFT IEP's EVEN BE OPEN OVER THE SUMMER BREAK?? How does that really work out?
BENSON deserves to attend KINDERGARTEN like any other small boy!
POST UPDATE: Anonoymous comments are not allowed to this blog. If you want to leave a comment you do have to reveal your identity...thats all.
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