From CEC Newsletter:
February 26, 2010
Katie: Laptops and Webcams and SMART Boards – Oh My!
I remember being in grade school and getting that coveted computer time. Twenty minutes to sit in front of a big, bulky, black-and-white screened machine that was noisy and slow. We would play Oregon Trail, using the keyboard to move our digitized covered wagon (or at least that’s what it was supposed to look like) across the screen. I was enthralled by this technology and loved when I earned the time to use it.
My, how times have changed! Young children are now surrounded by technology, and they know how to use it. Gaming systems, MP3 Players, CD players, computers—and how many kids do you see walking around with cell phones?! Meanwhile, I fondly remember my own cassette tape player and thought I was so cool in eighth grade with my pager.
My preschoolers are able to manage this technology with ease, even upon their first introduction to it. This was evident last week when we brought in a digital camera and laptop with a webcam for the kiddos to use (I know, what were we thinking?). The children did remarkably well—right away they picked up on how to aim the camera while looking at the screen and push the button to snap a shot of a friend. (I wouldn’t say they will be having a gallery showing anytime soon, but some people might see free expression in the heads chopped off of every picture.)
To continue reading visit the CEC Blog - "Katie: Laptops and Webcams and SMART Boards – Oh My!" »
"Reality 101" blog makes an excellent course supplement
Teaching an introductory special-education course? Consider sharing CEC's "Reality 101" blog with your students. As newly minted special-education teachers, CEC's bloggers detail what it's like to be new to the field as they explore topics such as IEPs, lesson plans, parent relationships and more. Follow their stories and offer comments at Reality 101 for New Teachers.
Mariah's First Zumba Class! FuZion Zumba Dance @ArtServe
See you at FuZion Zumba Dance @ArtServe
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