Friday, September 10, 2010

Horses and the Handicapped Program 9/9/10

This is Mariah's 1st day back riding....the Summer break was too long to be away from riding! She was in such a great mood all day knowing she was going to be riding  STAR later. When we got there it was so good to see all her friends and her mommie's friends. Being back in class with her favorite girlfriends was the best! To see Sam, Caroline, Katie and Mariah all back together in the same class made ALL of us so HaPpY!! These girls have been riding together for years. Mariah has known Caroline & Katie back when they were little tiny new babies and Sam, Mariah met her at another riding stable when they both were real young, guess they have been riding together for maybe 6 years now.

In this video clip they had just gotten back from trail riding and were ending the class. They all looked great sitting high up on there own horses together again. This was taken using my iPhone! I am amazed at how easy it was to capture this quick snippet and post it to facebook so easily! I love my iPhone!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful picture Nancy! I love it! You captured a magnificent moment, where is this? I'd love to take Kitty to join..Is she too young? Is this only for special needs?