Collaboration & Communication with those that work with and teach my daughter is a major plus for her education if there is honest open communication on a regular basis.
To be able to have face-to-face conversations is even better but when that isn't possible because of being a bus rider, then phone calls (yeah right...not happening) and emails are the next best thing to everyone being able to communicate on a regular basis.
I find it odd that some teachers will have no problem being real and communicating with me where other teachers are so not going to allow any type of just simple conversations on a regular basis, no matter by email or picking up the phone and having a quick conversation. Seems to be this unspoken rule or fear of working with parents that want to be involved in their Child's education by daily, weekly, monthly collaboration & communication home. It places such a strain & a feel of tension on both the teachers and parents when being friendly is all it really takes to be able work together as a team for the success of their student and my Child.
Why is it this way? Why are some teachers more willing to provide open, friendly, honest, free-flowing, easy going conversations on a regular basis. We hear the buzz words of PARENT INVOLVEMENT, but what does that really mean to a teacher today? What does it mean to parents?
I know I am not the only parent that has a Child with Special Learning Needs attending our Public School System that feels this way. I hear and work with many parents that tell me this on a daily basis. Parents only want to know what is happening in their Child's classroom, our Children can't always communicate what they really did during school. It is imperative that parents and teachers talk or email on a regular basis, especially if the Child has a disability that impairs their Speech and Language abilities.
Working together with parents that want to help and be involved should be embraced not feared or ignored. Parents after all are the Child's life time teacher and know the Child best! We always hear people say, "Parents you are your Child's first teachers"...if people really believe that, than why are many teachers not wanting to work with the parents more? Especially the parents that want to help the teachers teach our Children.
There needs to be a new attitude going on with our teachers towards parents that just want to be helpful. I'm sure many teachers reading this would say the same thing about their being a new attitude with the parents that 'don't really care' or are not involved in their Child's education. We all know there are probably way more parents out there that are not actively involved in their Children's education as they should be, but what about the parents that are? Teachers, let your guard down and open up to the parents that are concerned for their Child's education.
We talk of parent involvement, it needs to start with teachers being willing and taking action to being more receptive to the parents help by having regular 'chats'. Parents are not out to tell teachers how to do their jobs as some teachers may believe, that is a misconception. Parents have known their Child the longest and know them best and absolutely what makes them tick.
Where do you fit in with all of this? Are you a parent or a teacher? How do see yourself in the way you communicate with your teacher or with the parents? Do you need to maybe be a little more honest with how you work together or does it all not really matter to you? Parents, do you need to take a more active roll in helping your Child's education, do you put it all on the teachers to 'teach' your Child? Teachers, are you open to the suggestions of what parents may have and bring to the table? Do you not really care what parents suggest or want? Are you providing a regular way to have communication with your students parents, especially those students with extra learning challenges?
Do the right thing and start now being more open to suggestions with regular communication and working together as a team for students. Collaborating on things that will help ALL students be more successful in school and with their academic progress.
"The only thing that is constant is change - Let it start with me"
Feb. 20th, 2010
Mariah's First Zumba Class! FuZion Zumba Dance @ArtServe
See you at FuZion Zumba Dance @ArtServe
#FuZion, #Zumba, #ArtServe, #Letitmoveyou, #321Fun, #MariahsStudio,
#PODSAngels, #FuzionZumba
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