Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Parents upset at common core forum's 4PM start time

Parents upset at common core forum's start time
Well at least the State of Florida Department of Education held 3 PUBLIC COMMENT FORUMS across the entire State. 
(*click on highlighted link to play video)

The PUBLIC COMMENT Forum held in Broward County was scheduled at 5PM till 8PM I believe. There were 111 Speakers SIGNED UP to provide PUBLIC COMMENT and our Commissioner of Florida Department of Education stayed till the very last speaker spoke! That was till about 11PM that night! I have to say she was concerned to hear from ALL OF US THAT SIGNED UP TO SPEAK and I appreciate that. I would have liked to see more than just 3 Public Comment Forums held around the State so that some people didn't have to drive from 4 hours away to attend after a full day of working as one Florida school teacher did.

I know this video is about 'what time' of the day (4PM-6PM) the public comment meeting was being held in Albany, New York. The person in the video said, she feels it's like they really DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE PUBLIC HAS TO SAY by the time that it was set for and with only 3 days notice!!!

I have seen over the years...this is how they do things. Short notice, not enough of the meetings being held across the State so people don't have to travel hours to get to a meeting. 

People ~ Educate yourselves on exactly what this COMMON CORE that's being talked about like a wildfire out of control!! It's like a Choo Choo Chooooo Train that is coming to town, so get out of the way!! Coming to a Town near you!!

In FLORIDA ~ Here is a GREAT RESOURCE FACEBOOK PAGE to help educate yourselves on all the hoopla-la on Common Core and why we need to:

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