Thursday, January 10, 2013

"NEW ESE THINGS" ~ Can District ESE Departments really do these?

My post today is to inform and educate ESE PARENTS and the Public on it's about a few of the "NEW ESE THINGS" that are of great concern to me....and should be a concern to others as well!!

Excerpt taken from:
Exceptional Student Education
ESE Advisory Council
Report to DAC - District Advisory Council
October 10th, 2012

To read the entire report click on this link:
Look at the top of the list for: 
121114 DAC Nov Agenda Packet.pdf

The Advisory is currently examining the changes in the IEP documentaion: namely closing out the IEP goals prior to the meeting of the Annual IEP, elimination of signatures on the IEP document, elimination of the names of participants at the IEP, the elimination of the Title "Advocate": on the IEP document. Titles of participants still appear on the IEP. ESE parents have expressed concerns that these changes do not help the collaborative process between the parents and the schools and that the general population of ESE parents were not 
informed of these changes.

The ESE Parent Exit Survey has been drafted by the Advisory Committee is currently being reviewed by the Department of Research and Evaluation for future distribution to ESE parents at the end of their child's IEP. Data will be examined to review any areas of the IEP process that may need improvement or reform.

.....I'm just curious WILL THE ESE PARENTS be "manning this EXIT Survey?" Will it be anonymous? 

Excerpt taken from:
Report to School Board Meeting
ESE Advisory Council Meetings
School Board of Broward County
November 7th, 2012
K.C.Wright Building, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Parents have expressed great concerns and disagreed with the changes to the IEP that was put into place without proper notification to our ESE parents. 

These changes include the following:

a.) Elimination of any IEP team discussion with the parent concerning the mastery of goals, unless the parent "requests" such a discussion for a given goal at their Annual IEP. Parents will not be afforded the opportunity at the Annual IEP to review current data that supports any decision concerning the mastery or revision of goals on the previous IEP.
b.) Elimination of names and signatures of attendees at the IEP's
c.) Elimination of the title "Advocate" as a category for an invited person to the IEP.

While these changes may be legal, the question to ask is will it promote collaboration between a school and a parent when such changes only create further questions of school accountability. 

Click here for direct link to website with this public information. Click this link to the District Advisory Council aka DAC website for Broward Schools, click her to read the entire report click:
Are these ESE Parental Concerns something that the general population really even cares about? Probably not. Unless you are an ESE Parent on the receiving end of some of these "NEW ESE THINGS" that are being presented at the ESE Advisory Council and reported about at the District School Board meetings, these "NEW ESE THINGS" can and do go quietly UNNOTICED by the General Population of "parents & school board members".!! UNLESS as I said, you are an ESE Parent or Student on the receiving end of some of these NEW & IMPROVED way that the "NEW ESE THINGS" are being done here in our school district.

Just wanted to inform and educate the general population that the "NEW ESE THINGS" that are NOW taking place. I believe this is all WRONG anyway you look at it!!

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