Friday, July 26, 2013

"Mariah speaks" ~ Before Broward County Public Schools over the Summer on July 23rd, 2013.

Mariah speaking before Broward County Public Schools over the Summer on July 23rd, 2013. M_07_23_2013 Her speech although unclear, was provided in writing to the Superintendent and all the School Board members so they knew what she spoke about at the podium. 

Mariah speaking before the School board over the Summer was something she wanted to herself, without me standing next to her. She and I discussed what should she talk about if she was no longer a Broward County Public School Student. I withdrew Mariah from Public education in Broward before the school year ended on May 24th, 2013.

I didn't give up on Public Education... 

...Broward Public Education 

Although I filed a State Complaint pertaining to her school holding an illegal 10th IEP ~ 4 days after she had been withdrawn from attending Broward schools and was no longer a Student in this district. Naturally, I lost the State Complaint.....enough is enough of the games this school district and the State has put me thru in my trying to secure a 'real education' for my daughter, Mariah. 

This video provided by BeconTV is the entire July 23th, 2013 School Board Meeting. The Pubic Speakers begins on the Video at 143:00 with School board Chair, Laurie Rich-Livenstein opening the meeting for Public comment. Mariah is called as the first Public Speaker. To see the beginning of where Mariah starts go to 144:00 on the Video. I speak just after Mariah at 148:50 on the Video. 

It is worth a watch to see the other Public Speakers at this Summer Broward County School Board Meeting.

I am so proud my daughter wants to SPEAK OUT and become a Public Speaker. What she has to say is worth hearing. 

Written below is Mariah's actual July 23rd, 2013 Speech she spoke before Broward School Board meeting.

Hi !!

*Pause & SMILE

My name is Mariah Harris, I am 14 years old and in the 6th Grade.

I am in the Nova  U-Na-Ver-ciTy  School of the ARTS Drama Camp. I am a dancer, singer, actress and will be in the Disney MULAN show August second. I have teachers and helpers that support and BELIEVE IN ME! Want to come see me on the stage at the EP-STEEN Center?

I went to Horse Camp for 2 weeks and had a lot of FUN! FIRE is the name of my horse. I met new friends that liked me and BELIEVED IN ME at the Ranch!

I am on the SWIM TEAM at River Land Pool. Back Stroke is my best stroke. I Like doing Free Style and I'm learning the Butterfly. I love going to Swim practice every day! My Coaches BELIEVE IN ME!

I love going to the Movies and Cooking.

I am having a Great Summer.

I need people to BELIEVE IN ME and see that I CAN do it!

Do not JUDGE me because I have Down syndrome!

I am Mariah Harris, I love school and I'm a good student!

I have always been fully IN-CLUDed with an adult to help me.

BELIEVE IN and IN-CLUDE more students with Down syndrome in all of our schools!!

Have a good day!

Thank you very much.


Mariah Harris

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