Mariah speaking before the School board over the Summer was something she wanted to herself, without me standing next to her. She and I discussed what should she talk about if she was no longer a Broward County Public School Student. I withdrew Mariah from Public education in Broward before the school year ended on May 24th, 2013.
I didn't give up on Public Education...
...Broward Public Education
Although I filed a State Complaint pertaining to her school holding an illegal 10th IEP ~ 4 days after she had been withdrawn from attending Broward schools and was no longer a Student in this district. Naturally, I lost the State Complaint.....enough is enough of the games this school district and the State has put me thru in my trying to secure a 'real education' for my daughter, Mariah.
This video provided by BeconTV is the entire July 23th, 2013 School Board Meeting. The Pubic Speakers begins on the Video at 143:00 with School board Chair, Laurie Rich-Livenstein opening the meeting for Public comment. Mariah is called as the first Public Speaker. To see the beginning of where Mariah starts go to 144:00 on the Video. I speak just after Mariah at 148:50 on the Video.
It is worth a watch to see the other Public Speakers at this Summer Broward County School Board Meeting.
I am so proud my daughter wants to SPEAK OUT and become a Public Speaker. What she has to say is worth hearing.
Written below is Mariah's actual July 23rd, 2013 Speech she spoke before Broward School Board meeting.
Hi !!
*Pause & SMILE
My name is Mariah
Harris, I am 14 years old and in the 6th Grade.
I am in the Nova U-Na-Ver-ciTy
School of the ARTS Drama Camp. I am a dancer, singer,
actress and will be in the Disney MULAN show August second. I have teachers and
helpers that support and BELIEVE IN ME! Want to come see me on
the stage at the EP-STEEN Center?
I went to Horse Camp
for 2 weeks and had a lot of FUN! FIRE is the name of my
horse. I met new friends that
liked me and BELIEVED IN ME at the Ranch!
I am on the SWIM TEAM
at River Land Pool. Back Stroke is my best stroke. I Like doing Free Style and I'm learning the Butterfly. I love going to
Swim practice every day! My Coaches BELIEVE IN
I love going to the
Movies and Cooking.
I am having a Great
I need people to
BELIEVE IN ME and see that I CAN do it!
Do not JUDGE me
because I have Down syndrome!
I am Mariah Harris, I
love school and I'm a good student!
I have always been
fully IN-CLUDed with an adult to help me.
IN-CLUDE more students with Down syndrome in all of our schools!!
Have a good day!
Thank you very much.
Mariah Harris