Sunday, September 30, 2012

ANOTHER Broward special ed teacher probed = GOOD!!!!!

Broward special ed teacher probed
If any of this is may POSSIBLY happen and go on inside a particular SPECIAL ED CLASS just once....and we only KNOW ABOUT IT because she got caught!!! Curious to know how many times 'co-workers' told the Principal about it. You can TRUST THAT THIS SORT OF THING IS HAPPENING MORE THAN ANY OF US WOULD EVER WANT TO IMAGINE OR BELIEVE!! 

How easy is it for PARENTS of students sitting in CLUSTER CLASSROOMS to have an opportunity to come in and visit, observe, VOLUNTEER in our Children's Cluster Classrooms? Hmmmmm this would be good data to see IF ANY or HOW MANY ESE Parents are ever visiting or volunteering in Cluster or Resource Classrooms. Maybe this would help some of those teachers that are getting OLD and need to go.....those that are showing signs of verbal and physical abuse on ESE Students.

Time for our Children to have CAMERA'S IN ALL SPECIAL ED CLASSROOMS!!!

Click the link above to read the full article. 
POST A COMMENT ~ What to YOU think? 

Read the full article and tell me this allowed every day "OUR CHILDREN" go to school and we TRUST OUR SCHOOLS TO EDUCATE OUR SPECIAL ED CHILDREN IN CLUSTERS??? Get our children into MAINSTREAM classrooms and INCUDE them into REGULAR Classrooms where it's the real world...and not a 'special ed world' that this sort of nonsense goes on more than many want to admit! Parents attention and inquire, ask, request, continue to ask your Child's teacher(s)....WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR CHILD'S EDUCATION! Get daily notes home that satisify YOU, don't be satisified with the "BEHAVIOR NOTES" the schools want to provide...but request what is your Child doing ACADEMICALLY each day. Make sure you recieve daily notes home pertaining to WHAT your Child did in school that day.

"According to the administrative complaint filed in July, Cohen used "inappropriate restraints to control or manage autistic and exceptional education students" while teaching last year.

The complaint alleges Cohen told one of her students, "you're the cripple, what are you going to do, beat up the retard," referring to a student in a wheelchair.

In another instance, Cohen apparently had the class mock a student who was twirling her hair, the complaint states.

She is also accused of calling a student a "brat" for needing to use the toilet and unplugging the battery cord to a student's wheelchair and then saying, "Who has the power now? I'm the queen of this class and I have the power over you."

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Title 1 TUTORING info to come home today or tomorrow

Look for the SES - Title 1 TUTORING Provider brochure to come home in your Child's backpack today 9/19 or tomorrow 9/20. IF you received a letter in the US Mail about a month ago, your Child is then eligible to attend SES=Supplemental Education Services aka TUTORING.

This year it is not based on if your Child is on Free & Reduced Lunch, but based on your Child's FCAT SCORES from last school year!

Call your Child's school front office and ask them if they have received the Title 1 Tutoring info via FED EX today or tomorrow.

Good luck securing Quality Tutoring Services via this wonderful Title 1 Program. Be on the alert for the brochure that will have your Child's name on it if they qualify. Again this is depending on their FCAT Scores from last school year.

If you have any questions pertaining to any of the TITLE 1 PROGRAMS in Broward Public Schools, here is the phone number to the TITLE 1 Office  (754) 321-1400

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

NICE!!! School Board files a Lawsuits on Parents for RECORDING their IEP meetings!!

WOW ~ NICE!!! 
Take a look at what is going on in Jackson County! *West of Tallahassee and North of Panama City, Florida. Parents that record their child's IEP meetings need to pay attention to this In-the-News item for sure!!

The ESE Director there says...."in his 20 years of working in ESE he has never heard of anyone recording IEP meetings"!! I don't believe that for one second! I think maybe that District is out to maybe scare other ESE they don't record at IEP meetings, recordings don't lie about what 'was said'. This even smells of RETALIATION on the Parent and the Advocate! I am sure this Parent & Advocate are only trying to do what is in the best interest of the Child and what THE PARENTS would like for their Child....I would think that's WHY they have an Advocate attending their IEP meetings in the first place!

PARENTS NEED TO BE WATCHFUL & KEEP AN EYE ON THIS CASE!! ... as this will trickle down to affect all of us throughout "IEP LAND" here in Florida and beyond.

Click link below here for complete story & news video clip:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Success has a Beginning

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.
Henry Ford

Friday, September 14, 2012

18-22 year olds ~ What IS available to them in School?

Guess this is the NEW THING for ESE Students in Broward Schools. *Living in certain areas of the County only. Please Read and see if you see your son or daughter part of this program once they turn 18 and are still entitled to attend a PUBLIC SCHOOL till the year they turn 22? This may be good for 'some' InD students but certainly not for what I want to know is what IS available NOW in our Public Schools for our 18-22 year olds? How about attending one of the fabulous TECHNICAL SCHOOLS or Dog Grooming or VET TECH Training programs, or Early Childhood Training? Are these available to InD eligible students today? ...especially for our InD ESE Students here in Broward County Public Schools....inquiring minds want to know more on this 'new program' and what ELSE is

Please click the link below and read the entire article and comment and let me know what you think.

Hands Off from Kayt Jonsson on Vimeo.

Hands Off from Kayt Jonsson on Vimeo.

Hands Off from Kayt Jonsson on Vimeo.

Placement, Short-and-Sweet ~ NICHCY resource

The National Dissemination Center

Who We Are
NICHCY is the center that provides information to the nation on:
  • disabilities in children and youth;
  • programs and services for infants, children, and youth with disabilities;
  • IDEA, the nation’s special education law; and
  • research-based information on effective practices for children with disabilities.

Placement, Short-and-Sweet

Click link below for complete article written by:

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Take up one IDEA

Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.
Swami Vivekananda

Friday, September 7, 2012

IEP "Teams" with NO NAMES!

Great ANOTHER THING Broward ESE Department comes up with to be Parent Friendly & it certainly seems more COLLABORATIVE during the IEP PROCESS!! NOT!!

I would HOPE now with being able to NOT HAVE TO LIST the "school district" side of our parent friendly IEP Teams Via the Parent Participation Forms aka PPF's that PARENTS also will NOT HAVE TO let them know WHO WE WILL BE BRINGING!!! the Newspaper reporter friend of mine or the CAMERA MAN from any number of TV STATIONS with their RECORDING NEWS CREWS!! This could be very good for parents as well cause we too wouldn't have to put OUR NAMES ON THE PPF EITHER!!

Well this just goes to show how COMBATIVE & UNCOOPERATIVE it has become just to hold an IEP Meeting to ensure our children are EDUCATED!

Hmmmm.... will we be able to get PARENT SIGNATURES on our IEP's then?? That has always bothered me that Parents don't have to sign the IEP!! So now will we be able to get the signatures of ALL that attend? What about the EXCUSAL FORM? How do we excuse "NO NAME" IEP Team Member? This is such nonsense!!

Bet this was the brainchild from a corner office on the 9th floor of the KCW Building...always coming up with yet another way to BLOCK ESE PARENTS from having collaborative IEP Meetings. This may be another of a list of BEST PRACTICE POLICIES that can't be produced in writing to us.


How do they go to "work" day after day collecting their paychecks just to keep on keeping on with all their nonsense they "come up with" to keep THE DOORS CLOSED TIGHT ON SO MANY ESE PARENTS-FAMILIES & STUDENTS!!?

Time 4 CHANGE! The Time is NOW!!!
Time to get rid of a FLOOR full of ESE ADMINISTRATORS &amp and some of those Nasty PROGRAM SPECIALIST!!! Most are trained to FIGHT with the Parents!! Nasty some of them are for sure! 

Tell me it isn't true...that Broward ESE Department is going to get away with this......because...why...because "they can~!!?"

Interesting reading from my followers!