What is with BROWARD ESE DEPARTMENT and pushing their agenda to do what is now being called, "BEST PRACTICES" ~ not a real policy in writing anywhere.....but a 'suggested best practice' ~ if your child's ANNUAL IEP is November 1st or before Nov. 1st, it is suggested...oops I mean it is being FORCED on you that you WILL HAVE TO HAVE AN ANNUAL IEP in May before your child matriculates into the next school level, as my daughter Mariah is going on into the 6th grade to Middle School!
.......but what about the fact in writing that I have been REQUESTING AN INTERiM IEP since like March maybe even late Feb~ yes in many written emails to several of my need and my request to have an interim....all fell on deaf ears or wasn't considered because there was never a RESPONSE to my requesting an interim. With no communication pertaining to when a meeting time would be scheduled ~ NOW TODAY I am all set to have my much awaited interim iep meeting......I have waited long enough! With 5 1/2 school days left of this school year ~ I was all set to have a good meeting with her IEP Team! The time for me to have my meeting today was very accommodating to have it start at 9AM and run till 3PM if we needed. Unheard of by today's standard's, since several of my friends now are only being allowed 30 minutes to an hour to hold their IEP meetings! It was going to be a good day...all was good this morning.
The classroom/meeting room was PERFECT ~ absolutely perfectly set up to be able to work together as a collaborative TEAM! The student desks and chairs were set up in a perfect SEMI-CIRCLE with the projection ready for viewing the electronic Ez-IEP on the white board on the wall. Mariah's IEP TEAM was all sitting around waiting for me to arrive, all nice and relaxed and waiting as I walked in. Just how LONG HAD THEY ALL BEEN SITTING THERE?? Were they sitting there PRE-Discussing anything about my meeting BEFORE I arrived? I wonder as this also seems to be common practice here in Broward, where parents are always the last ones to enter the meeting. I walked in with my 2 advocates, we picked chairs to sit in and I quickly set up my laptop and recorder, pulling out all my paperwork & notes ready to start the meeting. Wait a minute.....I had advocates with me! Why? ~ I AM THE ADVOCATE!
Why did I bring 2 advocates with me today?
...because we all need to take an advocate now and again. Today I didn't want any funny-funny stuff being pulled on me alone, especially with my daughter moving on into middle school. I wanted to make sure Mariah's IEP document stayed SOLID as I felt it was. Mariah's IEP is a darn good one, a well written IEP today, which expires the end of September. This is another reason why I like to set up an interim IEP at the end of every school year to prepare and plan for the first few months of the upcoming new school year, with all new teachers. To me that is the 'best practice' that I have always done over the years.
This morning what happened to me should never have happened...to me or to anyone! ....and it's a 'best practice' thing? Best Practice for WHO? Certainly not for me and or for my daughter's benefit!
I am sickened that a Program Specialist or a "compliance specialist" as they are now sometimes called here in Broward County and even the ESE Specialist, how these people are so quick to suggest and basically force you to FILE for a Due Process Hearing ~ if you don't like what is being done at that moment in our IEP meetings, this is the push! This seems to be our districts quick-fix and the answer to doing things THEIR WAY!! Well heck, Broward public schools has some pretty pricey lawyers don't ya think?? .....and this is all done in the BEST INTEREST of my daughter ~ really??!
FORCING ME to agree that this particular IEP meeting was now going to be Mariah's ANNUAL IEP is how the ESE employee side of Mariah's IEP was going to PUSH ME into moving ahead with this meeting. This was mostly coming from a program specialist that I don't think she even knows what color my daughters eyes are or how long her hair is now! ~ How dare all the ESE EMPLOYEES in attendance of this meeting force and make my daughters teacher-of-the-year and therapists be forced to have to SIT & WATCH and be now be part of AIR GETTING SO THICK like a DARK STORM CLOUD coming over all of us! All done with such a strong sense of, don't know what words to use here to describe the feeling in the air........certainly nothing but W R O N G going on!!! It was all very wrong indeed~!! This was not what I was hoping to accomplish today at my daughter's meeting!
I came prepared to update & make sure things would be in place to run smoothly for her starting in the Fall at her new Middle school. She was accepted in a MAGNET PROGRAM!! The S.T.E.M. Magnet Program!!!! I came prepared to be part of meeting I had been requesting since March - I documented all over the signed PPF that I was NOT agreeing to this meeting being an ANNUAL as had been 'suggested' - guess our district makes up their own "best practices" aka Broward made-up rules (no written policies have ever been provided when I asked) - my school ESE Specialist - Mariah's wonderful Wilson Reading ESE Teacher - and a District ESE "WIND-UP ROBOT" speaking to me like she had a scratch in the CD or like a broken record repeating the same sentences in her monotone voice. She was SENT and sitting there only to strong-arm and BULLY me at my meeting! Sitting there only to force me to agree and turn it into an ANNUAL IEP. Everyone knew in all of my previous emails that I had always been requesting and wanting to hold an interim meeting, since March! What was the BIG DEAL ~ Why now was there this PUSH TO FORCE this meeting to be an ANNUAL IEP? I felt Mariah's IEP was still good to go. She was still working on some pretty solid academic goals that still I felt needed to be carried over into Middle school.
There was no one in attendance from her Middle school, to provide input or information pertaining to the magnet program curriculum. The S.T.E.M. Director from the Middle school was going to be stepping into the meeting a little later.
How can one person that doesn't even KNOW MY DAUGHTER put such spin & create such a negative force on how a meeting WILL NOW MOVE FORWARD and GO? I announced that I wanted to STOP the meeting! I stood up and started gathering all my things ~ She stated, "THEY WILL STILL GO AHEAD WITHOUT ME!" She sounded like a broken record with no emotions to what she was creating all by herself like a ROBOT with a skip in the recording! Really??!! How is this in the BEST INTEREST for my daughter's education and for Mariah going into a new Middle School? WHO or where was this person getting her ORDERS FROM?
This is not how I saw my daughter's interim IEP meeting going this morning when I woke up after so little sleep preparing for a productive meeting for Mariah's educational supports for next year in Middle school.
This was to be Mariah's LAST IEP Team meeting at Stephen Foster Elementary ~ going to this same school since she was 4 years old! She will be 14 years old in September. Thanks for my "going away meeting" I have anticipated for way too long! ~ I have a gut-feeling that this has to do with the new principal in some way. Considering he enjoyed censoring each and everyone of my emails this entire school year! Yes ~ I said ALL of my emails were censored by my school principal this year. Can't wait to see what MESS this will bring!
Thanks for the end-of-the-year PaRtY!! Stephen Foster Elementary School has been good to my daughter! Most of Mariah's teachers were awesome and workable and wonderful to work & talk with and really cared that Mariah was successfully educated and gained higher level skills! There have been a few teachers that certainly have alot to be desired in the stand-off attitude towards me over the years. Some teachers just don't have it in them to work collaboratively with involved, concerned parents like me. But for the most part Mariah has always had WONDERFUL TEACHERS THAT CARED ABOUT MARIAH LEARNING & worked collaboratively with me.
Stephen Foster Elementary has served my daughter well ~ never dreamed or thought her final IEP meeting would be like this one. A total SLAP IN THE FACE to me as her parent and her advocate for her education! I was FORCED OUT OF MY DAUGHTER'S Interim IEP today! They carried on and 'said' they would go ahead and turn it into an ANNUAL IEP without me, if I left! I'm so sorry collaboration didn't take place today and my school didn't want to provide me an opportunity to take a look at the supports and services my girl will be needing on her first day of 6th grade in the Fall! Oh well at least this IEP document wasn't out of compliance because of the 'date' of the annual being held past the annual date.........this time! Her next required annual review will occur on or before: September 22nd, 2012. Mariah still needed time to work on and master some pretty solid IEP goals I had in her document.
I am not a happy camper today! Should I be? Would you be?
Mariah ~ things will be OK ~ you watch things will be OK once your mom fills out a few papers ~ it's like making a phone call.........to the police!
I can not sit back and pretend all is well with how I was treated and forced 'to file' as it was suggested I do from the program specialist this morning. I will not be filing a DUE PROCESS.
Those that are unfamiliar with the IEP process or what just happened to me today at my IEP meeting or what the heck I am upset and unhappy about.......it's about my CIVIL RIGHTS! It's about Mariah and what will be best for her as she leaves her elementary school and goes on into Middle School into the S.T.E.M. Magnet Program in the Fall.
*This is not a reflection on how grateful I am to Mariah's many teachers over the years and therapists that have helped Mariah get to where she is academically today. I'm just sorry we all are now part of what seems like the systematic nonsense and ESE Parent bullying that I have seen happen at many many IEP meetings here in Broward!! What WAS that? ~ What was it that happened so quickly this morning???......grrrrhhh!!!
NOT HAPPY WITH THE "SUGGESTED BEST PRACTICE" IDEA or "the recourse I can take if I'm not agreeing" to 'THE IEP TEAM DECISION!!
....and FORCED me to agree to make it her ANNUAL IEP, which I didn't think was needed at all! She has a well written IEP with solid goals that still need to be worked on.
........and I'm very much involved with my daughter's education and I'm a Special Ed Advocate for others & for my daughter especially! Have to be!
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Prohibition against Intimidation or Retaliation
An institution under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education may not intimidate, threaten, coerce, or retaliate against anyone who asserts a right protected by the civil rights laws that OCR enforces, or who cooperates in an investigation. Anyone who believes that he or she has been intimidated or retaliated against should file a complaint with OCR.
It still amazes me that you would consider having many important people at your daughter's school (teachers, therapists, etc.) be absent from their duties for an entire school day to sit endlessly at a meeting while you argue over the placement of commas, periods, and critique every word of her present level. This is inconsiderate and disrespectful to every other child in her school.
Additionally, you mention that some of those attending the meeting had never even met her. In my experience, most advocates never meet the students for whom they advocate.
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