Sunday, December 6, 2009

FINALLY!!!....Observation is scheduled!! long???

....Monday....FiNaLLy!!! took so long to arrange an observation to see how BENSON is doing in his wonderful "inclusive" program at the elementary school he attends...

Did you know that it is up to the Prinipals to make or break a good observation on 'their campus?" Also did you know that it is written in the BROWARD TEACHERS UNION (BTU) policy detailing just HOW LONG a teacher has to allow anyone into their classroom that is NOT a school board employee? Did you also know that according to the BTU you can only observe for 30 MINUTES!!...and another 30 MINUTES to have a discussion with that teacher about what you observed!...How much do you really think anyone will really be able to observe in a very short 30 minutes of a 6 HOUR SCHOOL DAY?

I am going into BENSON'S school on Monday 12/7/09 to finally do an observation of how well he is being INCLUDED in his different classroom settings....all the wonderful 'things that were told to mom' on day she was enrolling him into that has asked me to go do 'the observation' for her to see how her son is doing in school. Remember....this little guy can't really TELL his mom how school was for the day....his communication skills are hard to understand and mom says there isn't really any real communication coming home in his backpack to help her understand how his school day went for the day......she hasn't ever had an opportunity to even see any of his classrooms since he started attending school there 7 weeks AFTER the school year started.

I will post how the observation went....stay tuned.....

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