Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hibbs denied right to speak. Nancy Linley-Harris reading MY speech! Bullying Issues at Deerfield Beach High - DBHS

Reposting from Juliet Hibbs YouTube.com Channel
Published on Hibbs4Change 
Jul 1, 2013
By Juliet Hibbs: This is the video where I am denied the right to speak on June 25th, 2013. 

I did get the policy and I am afraid they don't understand it. It is ok! I will educate them! It is RIGHT after they see this parent give MY speech that Dr Osgood reponded......


Hibbs denied right to speak. 

Nancy Linley-Harris reading MY speech! 

She did an AMAZING job!

June 25th, 2013

Deerfield Beach High School Bullying and Abusive Administration

Published on~
Jul 3, 2014
This is an interaction...assault under the law...of a student by Kenneth May, Assistant Principal at DBHS. First he STEALS the chips the student pays for...assaults the student...pushing the students around, up against a wall ...then student didn't even do anything wrong enough to even WRITE up for anything Just sends the student to class. This is HIS administrative style, supported by the Broward County School board (they saw this video...that too ME two years to get MY hands on, Robert Runcie and Jon Marlow...Principal at DBHS. This is abuse and Bullying of a student in Broward schools Watch as Mr. May blocks the student then assaults him over a bag of potato chips. this is ABUSE!! If a parent did this they would go to jail. If a teacher can be charged with assault because they placed a sticker on the student.

Please keep the stories and videos coming. Together we can make Broward schools better...we MUST come together to stop the abuses against students, staff and parents. 

Tax payers This is YOUR tax dollar at work and REMEMBER they want to INCREASE YOUR TAXES in Novemeber 2014 ~ Say NO. 

Do not forget this is the leadership of Jon Marlow; Principal of Deerfield Beach High school. DBHS

Hibbs challenges Mr. Runcie and the Broward County School Board.


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