Saturday, May 18, 2013

Stand Up for What You Believe In and Be Proud To Be An American Advocate! The James Kaleda story~removed from testifying before the New Jersey Senate!

James Kaleda is A True American Advocate we should be proud of! If you had been sitting there in the New Jersey Senate chambers that day on April 30th, 2013, would you have been the one that STOOD UP 4 CHANGE and supported him? See the woman in the 2nd video clip at the bottom of my post today. 

Breaking News Story: James Kaleda ejected from hearing by New Jersey State Troopers

Published on May 8, 2013
James Kaleda explains that the proposed NJ Gun Bills will not save any lives but will endanger them. He is ejected by Committee Chair Senator Norcross. This took place at the NJ Senate gun control hearings in Trenton on April 30, 2013.

Be Sure To Read The Top Comments!

My gut feelings watching and seeing this happen, turns up all sorts of emotions to exactly how it seems to have gotten at IEP meetings this past year in Broward County. My PARENT VOICE, MY PARENT INPUT to her IEP document, my suggestions for her yearly educational goals, my advocating for my own Child for her educational needs and her right to receive a quality education and to be educated to learn so she too can earn a REAL HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA at the end of her school years. My ideas and suggestions go on deaf ears with public school employees aka the 'educational professionals' and their idea of what 'they think is best'. Parents know their Child the best in all areas of their Child's life. Speaking up for my own daughter is also about speaking up for many many other students with *IEP's! Mariah and I testified before the Florida Senate Education Committee, WE WERE HEARD & SUPPORTED by the Florida Senate and the House!
*Individual Education Plans

Why Parents Could Get More Control Over Their Child’s Special Education Plan 
Hear the words spoken so perfectly by Mariah Harris as she read her first Pubic Speech as she testified before the FLORIDA SENATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE on March 18th, 2013 on SB 1108.

If James Kaleda, seen here in this You Tube Video, testifying before the New Jersey Senate on a proposed Gun Control Bill being looked at and all those in the audience didn't get up and stand up for him as he was denied his First Amendment Right to shameful that "We The People..." are not supporting each other when one is speaking out for the people.

The COMMENTS to this are worth reading as well, because the comments support James Kaleda and our FREEDOM OF SPEECH!

Stand Up for What You Believe In and Be Proud To Be An American Advocate!

We need to Stand UP and Support Each Other!

Published on May 8, 2013
After a late start, and a "ten minute break" that lasted more than a half hour, the NJ Senate committee on gun control decides to cut off public comment on the proposed gun control bills at 4 o'clock. The chairman and most of the committee then refuse to honor the pledge of allegiance. This took place at the NJ Senate gun control hearings in Trenton on April 30, 2013.


Support those that speak up on your behalf!

Thank you James Kaleda-a true American Advocate!

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