Dear ESE Parents & ESE Parent Advocates of Broward Public Schools,
When ESE Parents and/or an ESE Parent Advocate request an observation of an ESE Student in their classroom settings in preparation of upcoming IEP ~ FBA ~ PBIP ~ TIEP meetings, this is the BTU Article Five that ESE Parents & ESE Parent Advocates are quoted.
I have highlighted what pertains to us as ESE Parents & ESE Parent Advocates.
Please read the BTU contract Articles I have included pertaining to OBSERVATIONS.
As good ESE Parents & ESE Parent Advocates we all need to become keenly aware of all sorts of policies & rules, even the BTU ~ Broward Teachers Union Policies. Here is the direct link to all the Broward Teachers Union Policies.
O. Interruptions to Teaching:
Unauthorized personnel shall not be allowed to interrupt or otherwise disturb an employee during the performance of his/her professional responsibilities.
Observations of an employee's class by persons other than school system personnel shall be allowed only after consent has been granted by the principal or his/her designee, notification to the employee, and proper security clearance has been granted. The visitation shall be scheduled no sooner than two (2) workdays after notification, except in extenuating circumstances as determined by the affected principal. Such observations shall be no longer than one (1) hour in length. Upon request, a building administrator shall be present in the employee’s classroom during the entire observation period.
District personnel visiting an employee’s class during a formal and preplanned visit for purposes of observing either the employee or students in the employee’s classroom shall do so only after the employee has been notified by the principal. Each visit shall require the observer to provide feedback to the employee within a reasonable period of time.
Employees should be able to perform their professional responsibilities free from unnecessary interruptions or disturbances. To the extent possible, maintenance, custodial and construction work will be done at a time or in a manner which will not result in interruptions or disturbances of the employee's professional responsibilities. The same shall apply to the use of intercommunication systems.
Inclusion of students with disabilities in gen ed classrooms. THIRTY-FIVE
A. Training Plan:
When the affected school's IEP Committee recommends placement in a regular education classroom for a student with a severe disability who is already attending a Broward County school, a training plan shall be developed by the receiving school, with the input of the sending school staff and the receiving teachers, prior to the student attending the regular classroom. Health and Safety training components of the plan will be completed prior to the student's placement.
B. New Student to District:
When a student with a severe disability with an IEP that includes placement in a regular class transfers to Broward County from another county or state, a training plan shall be developed by the receiving school, with the input of the receiving teachers, no later than ten (10) days after the first day of the student's attendance in a district school. Health and Safety training components of the plan will be completed prior to the student's placement.
C. Students Placed With Volunteer Teachers:
Recognizing that special needs students who are placed into the regular school program are more likely to be successful when the teacher receiving the student has volunteered for the assignment,the district shall seek teacher volunteers for the Inclusion program.