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ESE Parent Reps at your schools are an important link to communication between the individual schools, the iZones, your Area and ultimately the District Level.
ESE Parent Reps are encouraged and needed to attend the Broward Ese Advisory 1st Wed. of the month meetings.
~ Next one is Wed.Nov.3rd,2011~6:30PM ~
ESE ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETINGS are Held 1st Wednesday of each month at PiPER HiGH School
Media Center starting at 6:30PM. Please tell others and
Share-A-Ride and make it a Parents Night Out in the process.
Find out if your individual schools ESE Parent Rep has a Child with a Disability or if their Child is GIFTED. There SHOULD be one of each. It is important your schools ESE Parent Rep should be encouraging all ESE Parents to attend any and all things ESE specifically....and especially making sure the monthly ESE Advisory meeting INFORMATION is being sent out to the ESE Families on your campus, so they KNOW about the monthly meetings and ESE Information from those meetings.
ESE Parent Reps should be encouraged to begin working closely with school SAF Chairs for local district, state and federal changes to education and being able to Start the Parental Engagement Process at the 1st level of being an Involved Parent Volunteering at your Child's School!
Make plans to attend the next Broward Ese Advisory meeting on: WED. NOV.2nd @6:30PM-9PM Piper High Community School Media - Library.
click underlined above will take you directly to the BROWARD ESE ADVISORY Website.
"See...easy!" daughter says!
What is SAF?
The School Advisory Forum (SAF) is open to all members of the school and community.
1. Plan, develop, and implement parent/community programs and training activities.
2. Address parent/community concerns; work with administration to solve problems and initiate desired changes.
3. Identify and coordinates the use of community resources to improve student achievement and school effectiveness.
4. Participate in increasing/sustaining high levels of community support for the school.
5. Assist SAC in identifying the educational needs and priorities of the school.
6. Participate in the preparation of the budget, and review budget related concerns.
7. Advocated for positive change in the school.
8. Remain current with school, district, state, and national issues.
9. Jointly works with School Board Members, Superintendent, and local Government officials. Facilities, Safety, Legislative, ESE, ESOL, Boundaries, Curriculum, Dress code, and Transportation are all issues addressed by SAF
*This is what I stand for at my daughters school.
PARENTS GET INVOLVED at your schools ~ YOU are all SAF MEMBERS!
1.3 POLICY 1.3
Authority: The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Policy Adopted: 7/29/76; 7/21/77;5/3/79;5/21/91,4/23/96
Policy Amended 10/20/98; 12/12/00, 7/06/04
A. Every school shall have a School Advisory Forum (SAF) that shall foster and promote
communication between its stakeholders, the school, and the Area Advisory Council. The
SAF shall bring forth recommendations, concerns and interests to and from their Area
Advisory Council.
1. The membership of the School Advisory Forum (SAF) shall be representative of the school
community to include parents or guardians of students enrolled In the school, students of the
school, business partners of the school, community members and business people.
Participation from all ethnic, religious, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds is welcomed
and encouraged.
2. A Broward County School Board employee shall not be the chair at the school where
employed. The Chair and Vice-chair shall be a parent or custodial guardian of a student who
will be enrolled and attending the school during their term of service. Officers should be
elected per their school bylaws.
1. All duties will be advisory in nature, none of which will conflict with any of the powers and
duties reserved by law, policy, or administrative guidelines to the principal.
2. Actively participate with the School Advisory Council in identifying the educational needs
and priorities of the school.
3. Actively participate with the principal in the preparation of the budget, and reviewing the
budget-related concerns after each FTE count.
4. Indicate awareness of the program and plans for the school by the signature of the
chairperson on the budget when it is submitted for district budget preparation.
5. Assist in the identification and coordination of the use of community resources to improve
student achievement and school effectiveness.
6. Address parent/community concerns; work with the administration to solve problems and t o
initiate desirable change.
7. Assist in increasing/sustaining high levels of community support for the school.
8. Assist in planning, developing and implementing parent/community programs and training
9. Participate in joint training opportunities with the School Advisory Council.
10. In addition to individual School Advisory Forum meetings, hold semi-annual meetings jointly
with the School Advisory Council.
1.3 1.3
11. The School Advisory Forum shall use guidelines developed by the district, develop and adopt
procedural bylaws, conduct meetings in accordance with the Florida Sunshine Laws, and
conduct meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
12. Record, maintain, and post minutes of all meetings at the school in accordance with the
Florida Sunshine Laws.
13. School Advisory Forum (SAF) chairperson or designee shall represent SAF as a voting
member at School Advisory Council meetings.
14. SAF Chair or designee shall represent SAF as voting member of the Area Advisory Council
15. School Advisory Forums and its officers are prohibited from using their titles and/or positions
to endorse, or give the impression of endorsing, candidates for public office
Meetings are open to all, but voting rights are granted only to members who are parents or
guardians of students who are enrolled in the school or matriculating to the school the following
year, students of the school, employees of the school and business partners of the school. To
vote at any meeting, members must sign in, present proof that they meet the voting membership
requirements, if requested.
School Advisory Forums aka SAF ~ Why are they sooo QUIET? "Parent Involvment"
How can we have PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT today when the BASIC PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT LINKAGE between our Children's Home School and the Area of the County they live in and the different PARENT LED Advisory Councils are NOT Working Together for the Common Goal of providing "WHO" these Parents Are at our Individual Schools?
When a parent asks, "Who is my SAF Chair person?" at their school and administration or the principal doesn't give that parent an answer, because they say they don't know or they will find out and get back the them about it. After several emails coming from the parent asking again and again sometimes 2 and 3 times and never being provided with the SAF persons name and contact information. Still the parent that WANTS TO GET INVOLVED or IS ALREADY INVOLVED is many times not being provided with any contact information on "Who is the SAF person at my school?"
At individual schools Parents are not always notified of upcoming school happenings, like the PTA/PTO, SAC, SAF meetings. Parents have to almost get lucky they saw something or many times it's another parent they hear things from. Notification of the different Area meetings and the different Programs and District meetings are not usually talked about or encouraged to get involved in from our neighborhood schools. Why is that? For the most part parents are being provided minimal time to receive upcoming meeting times & location information.
What is needed is some form of WHAT'S GOING ON in our District to allow parents a way to pick and choose from all the meetings. Maybe this is already in place, via many different avenues and the media. At our Child's schools do ALL parents have access to information, so they can at least be provided the ability to Choose to attend upcoming, meetings, trainings and fun events.
Where is our one stop shop for Information via a Public Schools NEWS channel for Parents? I know we have BEACON TV...but do ALL Parents know what it is? ...or have access to it? If not, then how else are we providing information to parents?
Parents today are feeling more and more that our schools are off limits to Parents. Drop em off at the door and parents don't cross the line......during the day our Children belong to the 'educational system"......Parent Involvement ends there.....they bring them to school and can't go on school grounds anymore.
How can there ever be parent involvement when the entire school system doesn't welcome us? The FEW of us that are still out there everyday trying to create and do right by all of us.....are FED UP! I'm FED UP with the Nonsense that goes on so often around here!
Our Future Generation Depend on Us to Get Involved Today!
It's about our COMMUNITY