Did you get BUS info in the mail this week or last? I got a postcard in the mail for my high school son and a second reminder I received a Robo-Call reminding again of my son's bus scheduled time of pick up and what corner he needed to be at.
My daughter, well.....anxiously I have been looking in the mail box everyday waiting.....I even called the school a couple of times last week to let them know I was concerned because I had received my son's BUS info but hadn't heard anything about my daughter's BUS info for the start of the new school year.
Funny thing.....I spoke with 3 other mom's with Children that have Down syndrome and all three said they hadn't received any postcard in the mail or a robo-call or anything about time and place of pick up. One mom has a son that got his info a week ago...just exactly like I did for my son. Her son and daughter will be attending the exact same school that starts at the same time. When she called her school about her little girl, she was told by her ESE person....that because her daughter had DD=Developmental Disability that she would need to take a short bus....a SHORT BUS??!!! Did she really say that? I thought maybe my friend was retelling me what she thought she heard the lady say....and that she was retelling me wrong...but she assured me that yes the lady DID say to her that her daughter would have to take THE SHORT BUS!!!!
What is wrong with people!!...What is wrong with the very 'professionals' that work with our families and our Children and they continue to use such OUT-DATED terminology?
Why have 3 of us mom's not gotten our BUS info and we all have other siblings that also ride buses and the the other family members all received their BUS schedule but our Children with Down syndrome did not! What is going on with our kiddo's NOT GETTING our BUS schedule postcards in the mail or even the robo-caller that has gone out to our other Children? I just don't get it....how can it be such a coincident that 3 of us families all with a Child with Down syndrome have not gotten any info about their BUS SCHEDULES???...We all are WONDERING........WHAT'S UP?!!
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My son didnt get the card.I was told the ESE teachers have to request the bus and no school ese teacher would be in prior to 1 week before school...and that is why we didnt get registered for that card. They said it takes up to 10 days to register the ESE kids but that the bus people had been rushing to get everyone on the schedule. Very frustrating. My son was added last minute to the route and the bus decided NOT to pick him up on Monday. I am just extremely frustrated at the length of the day with the bus. My son gets the bus for McKay in the next school zone over for high school. His bus pick up is supposed to be at 6:02 am and the driver showed up today at 5:48! Said he has too many stops! Ugh. Then yesterday he got out of school at 2:40 and home at 4:45pm. Is that typical for ESE buses? That is such a LONG day! My son will have NO time to do his Homework! What can we do to fight for their rights? The bus people wouldnt speak to me at all!!!
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