What exactly are the DD Medicaid Waivers?
MEDICAID WAIVERS ~ fldd resources.org
If you still have not filled out the forms to have your child signed up and on the Medwaiver WAITLIST, here is the link with all the resources to help you with the process. JUST DO IT and get all the paperwork turned in and get going with it. If you need help or have questions and need help, please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to assist you.
Remember for the Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waivers it is only for 5 specific documented disabilities:
1. CP
2. Autism
3. Spina Bifida
4. Mental Retardation
5. Prader-Wili syndrome
Sign up starts when the child is 3 years old,
don't keep putting it off...JUST DO IT!
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