SP&P Guides for all districts in Florida (click here)http://www.fldoe.org/ese/ppd.asp
ESE Policies and Procedures (SP&P)
Section 1003.57(1)(d), Florida Statutes (F.S.), requires that district school boards submit to the Department of Education (DOE) proposed procedures for the provision of special instruction and services for exceptional students once every three years. Approval of this document by DOE is required by Rule 6A-6.03411, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), as a prerequisite for district’s use of weighted cost factors under the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP). This document also serves as the basis for the identification, evaluation, eligibility determination, and placement of students to receive exceptional education services, and is a component of the district’s application for funds available under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
*This 'drop-down list' is my personal little advocacy project for the past almost 5 years!! I have been advocating to get this particular 'drop-down list' in place for y e a r s....and so glad to see it is finally here for everyone to be able to access so e a s i l y! It looks like its been here all along...nope...seemed our State Department of Education needed a 'persistently pushy parent advocate' to keep telling them and keep telling them...that this is something that parents need to be able to get their hands on EASILY! It seemed that for the most part if I directed a parent that was seeking help or advice I would recommend to them that they needed to contact their local ESE Department and request a copy of their districts SP and P Guide, only to have someone on the phone that would say they didn't know what one was or who to ask to get one or better yet...some in our local ESE Department people that answered the phones would ask my parents, "Why do you need one?" WHY DO WE NEED AN SP&P??? BECAUSE WE DO!!! It's a public document, yet it seems to be one of the hardest 'public documents' for parents of special needs children to get our hands on a copy! Do you believe this? It's true...becoming an advocate for your Child is WORK!
The SP&P Guide is your guide to 'the rules of the game' that are in place to help you know as a parent and also as a teacher to know exactly what the State ESE and Federal Special Education Laws are for your State and your particular school district.
The Federal Law is IDEA...the State ESE Rules used to be put into what is commonly referred to as the 'RED BOOK'....but now with everyone saying something about the 'budget cuts'....now the Florida RED BOOK is no longer being published, so now you can get it online. I will post the link to our State RED BOOK as well. Then there is the local SP&P Guides and that includes the State and Federal Rules as well as any local 'extra' thing each district agrees upon that needs to be done in order for a student to be identified or to receive ESE Supports and Services.
Make sure you put your SP&P Guide link on your DESKTOP or in your FAVORITES so you have easy access to it!
Everyone.....ENJOY the NEW FDOE SP&P "drop-down' button that allows you to be able pin point your school disticts SP&P Guide! YOUR ADVOCACY EFFORTS DO PAY OFF AND HELPS SO MANY OTHER FAMILIES!