When is the best time to DECIDE which STATE ASSESSMENT TEST is best for your Child? Oh the decisions we have to make for our Children and their education. No one ever told us all this Special Education stuff would require us parents to make these kinds of decisions that will mean getting a REAL Diploma or a Special Diploma.
When is the best time to make the decision to go alternate or to take the regular FCAT?...THIS is the question of the day!
At my own daughters IEP when she was in KINDERGARTEN the 'IEP team' had the discussion: if she should be on the Regular Diploma track or the Special Ed Diploma track! Being the 'mom' to this little Kindergarten Child they all were referring to IF she should get a real diploma or not, I was having heat flashes of NO NO NO they aren't talking about MY GIRL not getting a high school diploma here are they?! I was mortified that such an IMPORTANT life changing decision could or should be even considered at such a young age! Why in Kindergarten..at 5 or 6 years old would my daughters IEP team think they knew enough about her to even know if she would be 'capable' or not of learning 'academics' like the other students in her Kindergarten class?
Well of course in Kindergarten no student is taking 'the FCAT'...so it wasn't a real issue at that point in time...but each year at her ANNUAL IEP the 4 QUESTIONS would be asked during the meeting and each year I felt that I had to STAND MY GROUND that yes she was capable of doing well in her ADAPTIVE SKILLS and WAS CAPABLE of things age appropriate. *Funny (actually very sad) how these "IEP TEAM" people sit around IEP table after IEP table facing parents that are raising wonderful Children and doing the best they can to help their Child acquire skills that will help them be as independent as possible...and yet without batting an eyelash...they can 'recommend' so easily that they will be on an ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT and earn a SPECIAL DIPLOMA...because why...are "they" really in a position to make that kind of MAJOR DECISION for a PERSON at such a young age? Do these kinds of decisions REALLY need to be made when a Child is just 5 & 6 years old?
I just wish that ALL STUDENTS were given a FAIR SHAKE at TAKING THE FCAT the 1st time and a 2nd time and as many times at it takes to give them a FAIR SHAKE! If a student FAILS the FCAT...they get INTENSIVE INTERVENTIONS to help them do better on the next State Exams. Schools should be teaching ALL STUDENTS TO READ AND WRITE AND DO MATH, and that includes students receiving special education services! They need MORE INTENSIVE INTERVENTIONS and extra help!
Do ALL STUDENTS PASS THE FCAT? NO.....do some students need extra help? Absolutely!! Are students that have an IEP and have an ELIGIBILITY to receive Special Ed Supports & Services really being PUSHED to learn to read and write? I think MORE CAN BE PROVIDED in the way of INTENSIVE INTERVENTIONS...the same interventions that are provided to students that don't pass the FCAT! It doesn't even have to be 'special ed'...it needs to be INTENSIVE...and what about RtI...?? (Response to Intervention) RtI is something that has been in place for a couple of years now....still haven't heard of anyone actually DOING IT for our students...and why is that?...no training...or no interest in understanding what RtI actually is and how it's suppose to work for those students AT RISK!
Alternate Assessment or FCAT...which is it?...if a student is on Alt. Ass...how many teachers and principals believe that because a student is on Alt. Ass that they can't be fully included in a General Education Classroom? I do know that if a student is on the Alt. Ass. that it's NOT a reason to not be educated in a General Education classroom!
If more students receiving Special Ed services were given the opportunity to receive INTENSIVE INTERVENTIONS in READING AND MATH EARLY and everyone did their part in helping students really learn academics EARLY...more students would be learning and passing State Exams and showing progress in all areas of academics.
Do I think the FCAT is a good thing?...yes and no....it does help with accountability...but when so many of 'our kiddo's' are put on the ALTERNATE ASSESSMENTS at such an early age...it doesn't help that student...it lowers the expectations for that student and it certainly lets teachers and schools 'off the hook' in providing INTENSIVE INTERVENTIONS to help them read and do math! I don't agree with putting so many on the Alt. Ass. at such a young age...everyone should be provided with HIGH EXPECTATIONS TO LEARN and be provided any and all the extra help that it takes to get ALL STUDENTS TO READ AND WRITE.
What are you comments on this? Would love to have a discussion on 'the expectations'...or lack of them...I expect my daughter to be taught to read...I expect her to need extra help, I expect she will be a good reader...someday...she needs INTENSIVE INTERVENTIONS...just like others that are below grade level and not passing the State exams to measure how she is doing and how 'the school is doing'.....ahh...how is the school doing...isn't that what it's really all about? ...and if we have YOUR Child take the State exam and it brings the 'school grade' down....oh well...just push to get em on the ALTERNATE ASSESMENT and then it won't matter anymore...the students on Alt. Ass. don't have anything to do with 'how the school is doing' anymore...that takes care of that problem!
Special Diploma....I hate how it looks and sounds...and what it stands for!! NOT MUCH!
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