Friday, October 14, 2011

What is SAF?

What is SAF?
The School Advisory Forum (SAF) is open to all members of the school and community.

1. Plan, develop, and implement parent/community programs and training activities.
2. Address parent/community concerns; work with administration to solve problems and initiate desired changes.
3. Identify and coordinates the use of community resources to improve student achievement and school effectiveness.
4. Participate in increasing/sustaining high levels of community support for the school.
5. Assist SAC in identifying the educational needs and priorities of the school.
6. Participate in the preparation of the budget, and review budget related concerns.
7. Advocated for positive change in the school.
8. Remain current with school, district, state, and national issues.
9. Jointly works with School Board Members, Superintendent, and local Government officials. Facilities, Safety, Legislative, ESE, ESOL, Boundaries, Curriculum, Dress code, and Transportation are all issues addressed by SAF

*This is what I stand for at my daughters school. 

PARENTS GET INVOLVED at your schools ~ YOU are all SAF  MEMBERS!

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