Friday, August 24, 2012

BROWARD ESE ADVISORY 8/29/12 6-9PM 1st Meeting

Put in your Calendar for the 1st 
"Meet and Greet" 2012-2013 School Year!
Broward ESE Advisory Council 

Wednesday, August 29th, 2012 
Piper High School 
6:00PM - 9:00PM
*Meetings will be starting 1/2 hour earlier this year promptly at 6PM

~ School Board member, Robin Bartleman will discuss what has changed in our School District and the challenges ahead for the school year. 

~ Any question concerning Exceptional Student Education and IEP's will be answered by a panel of invited Agencies and ESE Deprtment Staff. 

~ BUS Transportation will be addressed


If you are unable to attend the meeting the 
Phone Bridge will be available by calling in at:
(754) 321-0810 ID# 978006

If your phone does not have a MUTE feature ~ use the #5 button anytime during the conference to mute & unmute yourself or everyone can hear you doing the dinner dishes or the TV volume in the background. Thank you for MUTING the Phone-Bridge Call-in! 


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Mommie Prayer

Oh Dear Lord please forgive us involved & concerned Mommies for our having the thoughts we have towards those that PreJudge our Children's ABILITIES ....especially towards those in high positions! Forgive me Lord for I have sinned in thought. I pray a hedge of protection & grace around my Mommie friends raising & helping our beautiful children be successful and all they are meant to be. 

by Nancy Linley-Harris
Special Ed Parent & Child Advocate
August 23, 2012

Friday, August 17, 2012

CRAZY Broward School BUS Schedules ~ SO WRONG!!

I just got the School BUS Schedule Cards for my 2 children in the mail just now!! PLeaZzzzze tell me WHO is working the bus schedules cause they are both soooo wrong!! Absolutely CraZY!!!! ...and not only the STREETS ARE FAR AWAY from my home but the streets they have listed on the cards are being called by a name the streets are not what they really are called!!! Who is reading the MAPS when putting together our children's bus schedules?

They have Mariah scheduled to be picked up ONE HOUR & 30 MINUTES before school starts!! Not only that they have her needing to walk and be picked up 2 BLOCKS AWAY on the corner of a BUSY in the morning 4 lane DAVIE BLVD!! (All those coming to attend St. Thomas High School and AM Morning Commuters going into Downtown) On the bus card they are calling it EBOUND PETERS Road!! Her school is maybe a 10 minute car ride away from our home! 

She has ESE Bus Support and details clearly and specifically written into her IEP in that little box which is totally being disregarded and not being considered at all! NONE of her IEP was considered! She has DOOR-TO-DOOR Closest Safest Stop written into her IEP.

*Broward is Out of Compliance.....AGAIN!!

Well guess we will be passing on the school bus transportation this year, the hassle is SO NOT WORTH IT ANYMORE!!! I am not up to dealing with all the BULLSHIT that comes with using the Public School Buses...especially the ESE Buses here in Broward County!! I am not willing to deal with the blatant disrespect anymore either, that I witnessed everyday from the ESE Bus DRIVERS & ESE Bus Aides and they all 'get away with it' on a daily basis! 

NOT DOING ANY OF IT THIS YEAR!! I was very patient dealing on a daily basis with Mariah's ESE bus people ALL last year!! Her bus aide last year would NEVER say good-morning or a simple hello to her and daily would GRAB & YANK Mariah's backpack off her shoulder before my daughter ever put her foot on the first bus step! It was sickening to watch everyday! I complained about it, but nothing changed....and that was her ESE Bus Aide helping and 'assisting' my daughter? THAT WAS NOT what was written on my daughter's IEP for that kind of assistance. Do any of these Bus people ever READ that little bit of information that we FIGHT to even get written into our children's IEP documents under Transportation?

I have no more patience for any of the disrespect and nonsense anymore!!

My High School son has been using the CITY BUS for the past two years. NO COMPLAINTS getting him to and from his school on time everyday! NO HASSLES & DISRESPECT from the Bus Driver...ever! City Bus Drivers TALK to you!

Tell me ~ do you have ESE Bus concerns? Post a comment and SHARE your positive experiences and not-so-positive experiences with using the Public School Bus Transportation.

*Here is what WSVN had to say about the BUS CARDS and Parents being upset with not knowing accurate pick up and drop off information for the start of school tomorrow. (Click link below)


Another recent article pertaining to Broward's Bus situation.,0,7556040.story#tugs_story_display

*Be sure to look for the teeny tiny link just below here to read the COMMENTS to this post. I don't know why I can't get the COMMENTS to be visible.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


GET INVOLVED & STAY INVOLVED in EDUCATION THIS YEAR!!! ~ Sign Up & VOLUNTEER at your favorite or not so favorite school this year! Our Children NEED PARENTS to GET INVOLVED IN EDUCATION! Do Your Part & Volunteer consistently & regularly! 

Fill out this ONLINE FORM so you can become a Broward Schools Parent Volunteer!

Click link below: