Thursday July 28, 2011 Dad v. Summer School
*Check out my cousin's blog....from Michigan before reading my post below.
I came to the same conclusion back when my little girl was in the 2nd grade! She took the 3rd grade FCAT and failed with flying colors! Because of that...she was 'entitled to attend' the 3rd grade READING CAMP for all 3rd graders that didn't pass the FCAT. That was a BLOG story I posted back then about when she was attending the Reading Camp. The Principal of the Summer ESY Program and the Reading Camp for 3rd graders, took one look at my daughter and very loudly (and unprofessionally) in front of the entire cafeteria filled with students and staff....told me that my daughter needed to 'go over to the OTHER SIDE' of the divider in the cafeteria where all the other ESY students were. She very rudely stated, that she needed to be in Mrs. SoInSo's classroom! I will find the date of that blog's a sad but true story of just how much PREJUDGMENT still goes on with people....especially Administrators that are 'in charge' of lots of our kiddo's! Here is the blog post from THAT wonderful experience!!
Blatant Socially Accepted Discrimination 3rd Grade Reading Camp? June 22 - July 24, 2009
Blatant Socially Accepted Discrimination 3rd Grade Reading Camp? June 22 - July 24, 2009
ESY ~ Extended School Year for our Kiddo's that NEED the intensive help to gain academic skills so they don't LOOSE any of their academic progress over the summer time break is a great and wonderful program for students. ESY classrooms are filled with wonderful teachers and staff that work over the summer. ESY is NOT an INCLUSIVE General Education type classroom setting, the Children all have an IEP ~ Individual Education Plan/Program with the SUMMER TIME high priority academic and "educationally relevant" therapeutic needs to be worked on during the short and sweet time frame over the summer months.
I have personally gone and done OBSERVATIONS of her ESY classrooms on several occasions to each of the ESY school sites over the years from the time she just 3 years old till when she had just finished attending the 2nd grade. I personally meet her new Summer time ESY teachers, staff and principals at my daughters ESY schools. THIS IS A MANDATORY IN MY BOOK to do each year you send your kiddo off to ESY!! I tell parents all the time...give the ESY school site 3 days to 'get settled' and before the end of that very first week of ESY....make contact with the ESY office staff and set up an observation time. Once you have gotten a teeny tiny snap-shot of your kiddo's ESY day and a feel for the program, you will know without a doubt if ESY will be best for your kiddo! Sign up for it and attend....but do an observation and know more about what the ESY school day is really all about and meet and know who the teacher and staff are that will be responsible for your Kiddo!
Is there classwork and homework during the summer ESY program? Have you seen or not seen classwork coming home or notes from the teacher or staff? all you can to see and make sure it's going to be the BEST use of every ones time to have your Child continue into the 2nd week! You will know before the end of week 2 if it is going to be worth a darn. PS ...remember that observations are not the time to TALK or have big old long conversations about your Child with the is an observation...and many times...not always a true snap-shot of how the 'academic' day really goes along. It might even be an observation of an ALL HANDS ON DECK type of situation...not real at all of how the day actually is.
Is there classwork and homework during the summer ESY program? Have you seen or not seen classwork coming home or notes from the teacher or staff? all you can to see and make sure it's going to be the BEST use of every ones time to have your Child continue into the 2nd week! You will know before the end of week 2 if it is going to be worth a darn. PS ...remember that observations are not the time to TALK or have big old long conversations about your Child with the is an observation...and many times...not always a true snap-shot of how the 'academic' day really goes along. It might even be an observation of an ALL HANDS ON DECK type of situation...not real at all of how the day actually is.
Support staff....find out WHO ARE THEY? The main ESY teacher....WHO ARE THEY? What school do they teach at during the school year? What sort of classroom are they used to teaching and what types 'disabilities' do they have training and certification in to teach? It is just good practice as a parent sending your Child off to school, to KNOW the Certification their teachers hold. Here is the Teacher Certification LOOK-UP link for the Florida Department of Education: This link is something you should know how to use and be using on a regular basis for all teachers and staff! Mark it as a favorite and put it on the computer desk top for quick reference. Share it with other parents!! Know what all your teachers & staff are CERTIFIED IN to teach! Know the members of your IEP TEAM and what they are CERTIFIED IN TO TEACH! Make sure your IEP TEAM are the REQUIRED IEP TEAM MEMBERS and are CERTIFIED in what they say they are at the IEP meeting.
I am all for ESY ~ for students that need it! I am all for parents being INVOLVED AND ABLE TO SEE WITH THEIR OWN EYES WHO IS TEACHING OUR CHILDREN! I encourage everyone to make sure you get the first and last name of every single person that ever works with your Child. Look up their teacher certifications on the State Department of Education websites and know what they are certified in. I am NOT for taking hours and hours of total 'fluff' to determine ESY 'eligibility' and to also take hours to write an ESY IEP! I am all for DISAGREEING to anything you do and/or don't believe is what your Child needs from his/her ESY program.
Parents are taken on an EMOTIONAL ROLLER-COASTER RIDE of emotions over the IEP process as it is....why do 'they' put on such a show for the ESY ELIGIBILITY IEP meeting and waste so much time with what should be basically simple and easy to do for our kiddo's!! I have attended some ESY IEP meetings that turned into 4 hour Circus Acts and for what...for the fact 'the IEP determined' that the Child only 'qualified for 2 HOURS per week on a MONDAY!!! Really.....the Child has a MATRIX of 253-254 and would only NEED 2 HOURS PER WEEK ON A MONDAY?? That particular parent learned how to sign 2 different DUE PROCESS PAPERWORK THAT DAY! It did not go to Due Process and low and behold 'the right' amount of days and the right amount of time was provided to that Child for ESY that year!
ESY ~ It's a GREAT Program! It's the process of getting 'qualified & eligible' and the correct and needed amount of time the student will be able to attend the program for. Always remember it's 'the IEP TEAM that determines' how many weeks and how many days the student qualifies too attend for. Being told many times that, "the ESY Program is for the really BAD KIDS" or "it's for the REALLY INVOLVED kids"......(I have heard these similar type comments said way too many times when I attend IEP meetings with parents!) Getting it all written on the IEP document is all fine and dandy....but like any SPECIAL EDUCATION Supports & Services, YOU have to be part of the TEAM!!
ESY CAN BE WHAT YOU MAKE IT TO BE BY YOUR BEING INVOLVED!! Establish COMMUNICATION between home and ESY teacher and school. Ask for HOMEWORK and send it back to the ESY Teacher everyday. I had an ESY teacher that was so happy I wrote a daily note and said I was, "THE FIRST PARENT TO EVER DO THAT at ESY!!" (I really hope not!!) Do you know the Daily SCHEDULE and the OT, PT, ST person that will be seeing your Child and for how long and where? Do you know who the classroom assistant is and what they do during the regular school year and what school they work at? Do you know the age of the other classmates? Are they a lot older than your little one? What grade are most of the other classmates? Are they students with challenging behaviors that your Child doesn't have now and absolutely does NOT need to be 'watching n learning' from as well? THIS STUFF IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Our Children need a good classroom that is tailored to their needs, not tailored to the 'schools needs' or the 'teachers needs' or the Administrators IS about YOUR Child's needs! Be a confident advocate and do what is BEST for YOUR Child!
Raise the bar on EXPECTATIONS....from everyone! If you don't communicate to the ESY TEACHER & STAFF at which they probably did not attend the ESY IEP meeting or may not even ever see the IEP! Most ESY teachers are just meeting your Child for the first time and don't know your Child at all or may not have even laid eyes on your Child's IEP document or ever seen the ESY "PLAN".
Say YES 2 ESY! ~ Do YOUR part as a parent and go OBSERVE the classroom you are sending your Child to over the summer! MEET THE TEACHER & the ESYAdministrator!
Look for FUN over the summer.....HOME SCHOOL the ACADEMICS if you can....Create your own school work! YOU KNOW your Child BEST! Be the summer teacher....and have FUN with your Child!
School is around the corner....DUST OFF THOSE IEP's and start planning for the real goals that absolutely need to be mastered within 1 school year!
Have a FUN Summer!
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*Share this BLOG with others on your FACEBOOK PROFILE & become a FOLLOWER of this BLOG! Let's pump it up everyone! Share the resources that are out there for parents and staff to learn from!