Today I made so many phone calls on BENSON'S behalf. I called this person and that person. This area person and her secretary only to be told to call this person and then always to be told by so many nice secretaries that the person I wanted to talk to... "SHE'S IN A MEETING"!! I would say I called about 10 different Broward County school district people today and every single one of them was, "IN A MEETING"! Gosh maybe I need to find out where this meeting is so I can be there to talk to all of them in the same room!
I was finally able to speak to one of our schoolboard members for the Area that over sees all of the Nova schools. She apparently was out of her meeting and able to take my call. I introduced myself and told her I was advocating for BENSON. She was aware of BENSON and what mom was trying to do.
In the few minutes of talking on the phone with her, she used the word, MONGOLOID and I just couldn't believe I just heard this professional woman say that word. I actually gasped and quickly said to her, "You did not just use that word!!??" She had a non-chelant attitude about her using that word, and commented on how she had recently had a discussion with someone else about the correct term to use today. She also went on to provide me with her age as the excuse for using it saying that's the term they used when she was growing up. I was jolted by her brazen lacsidaisical attitude or that it even really mattered.....!! Do you believe this?
I know this word was used alot back in the 60's....but this is almost 2010, that's pretty much 50 YEARS AGO!! The word mongoloid is JUST NOT USED TODAY LIKE IT WAS USED BACK IN 1960! I do not buy her answer that it has to do with 'her age' and what "THEY" were called....unless she is 80 years old and showing signs of dementia! She MUST be using this terminology on a regular basis if she could so coldly use it in a telephone conversation with me within 5-10 minutes of meeting me on the phone! She knew what she was saying! I will make sure she doen't get my vote or my friends vote next time re-elections come up!
This is an ELECTED Schoolboard member that is a highly paid professional that is suppose to represent many school age families here in Broward! I told her that her age is not a good enough reason not to use the acceptable terminology when referring to an entire group of unique individuals. I told her, "you wouldn't call a person a '_igger' just because that word was used alot back in her day would you!??" I went on to tell her, " doesn't make her sound very professional by continuing to use that word either...!" We also chatted about PEOPLE FIRST LANGUAGE and the current politically correct way when speaking about an individual or group of individuals, such as: Children with Down syndrome, or a young man WITH Down syndrome, not a Down syndrome Child or a Downs kid.....She said, "it's hard to remember that all the time!!"....WHAT IS SHE SAYING?? That she doesn't care how she sounds or what word to it doesn't matter!?
I was absolutely shocked to hear this word even being used today, especially when SHE KNOWS I was calling her about little 5 year old BENSON and why he wasn't being allowed to attend Kindergarten at the very school mom signed him up at....remember, BENSON WON THE NOVA LOTTERY! Now they (all sorts of district personnel) are trying to say he is NOT registered at any Broward County school! Mom registered him at Nova Eisenhower Elementary school, but for some unknown, untold several district people are saying he is NOT registered at any school in all of Broward County! How can that be, when she had the paperwork and information to attend the Kindergarten Round-Up? Something smells like a rat.......
I am stunned that this word is still being used by any American in the year 2009 as a descriptive of a person having Down syndrome. I am even more disgusted that a professional who claims to be serving the best interest of our children, PROFESSIONALLY can't remember how to use PEOPLE FIRST LANGUAGE and we VOTED for her to be one of our schoolboard members? RE-ELECTIONS folks...remember who your schoolboard members are and do they really represent YOU?
She doesn't want to know what my Facebook friends had to say about a schoolboard member using that word today!! that a good name or word to use today? You tell me what you think....................I know it's an outdated word and used much like the word retard or retarded.......used by a schoolboard member? Something just isn't right here.....
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